Reviews for Soul Bonding
Guest chapter 28 . 7/27
Really enjoyed this, thanks for all your fantastic writing!
Mistress-Cinder chapter 13 . 7/24
Thank you for saving Sirius. I hated JK for years for killing him.
Adonisx chapter 28 . 7/9
Yay, happy ending!
Adonisx chapter 4 . 7/9
"I bet you're adorable when you scrub cauldrons" is probably my favorite line sofar!
lorlorgrace chapter 28 . 7/4
Okay, first of all... absolutely magnificent! I am so pleased with this story! You're a wonderful writer and I'm so glad I stumbled across this! Second, FINALLY! An author who understands the concept of children. Far out, the next time I read about a 1 year old speaking in full sentences I'll probably scream. 3 years old with a limited vocabulary is exactly perfect, and I'm not sure why I'm so excited about it but THANK YOU!
lorlorgrace chapter 20 . 7/4
I have absolutely no idea I got still need a beta, but I would happily volunteer my services! You're a brilliant writer
Spica75 chapter 28 . 6/26
Decent story, although it does remind me too much of how annoying and stupid oh so much of the canon is...
Good writing either way.
Spica75 chapter 22 . 6/26
I am extremely ok with you not regurgitating canon events.

For one thing, because everyone doing so by using the original words are actually taking one BIG step away from it being fanfiction, and instead being blatant copyright infringement and putting themself at greater risk from that.
And most importantly, fanfiction is about what is written differently, not what is copied from the original.
Spica75 chapter 15 . 6/26
Ah, but the Normans were -not really- French, they originated as vikings, offered land and titles in return for a promise to protect their lands from other vikings. (of course, they married into the society, so they most definitely were French to some extent)

OTOH, several Gallic tribes, especially the oceanfocused Veneti ( who, according to Roman writings had ships so large that the Romans couldn't board them, they were simply too much higher up from the surface of the water, causing them great troubles during their fighting with the Gauls ), almost certainly had a long history of interacting with the British isles.

Then again, there's also been so much back and forth across the channel that it's historically very hard to say if some places are affected by immigration from across the channel, or by immigrants trading with and returning homewards.
Alfa Wolfcub chapter 28 . 6/3
Thank you for this wonderful story. I haven't found many good complete Weasley twin stories and this really scratched that itch. I noticed you have quite a lot of stories, I'm off to peruse them now :)
P.Metus chapter 26 . 5/25
estoy leyendo más de tus historias y realmente amé esta historia gracias por crearla
Soraslove chapter 21 . 5/22
YIkes, ron the idiot leaves again, some loyalty, gg.
Majerus chapter 28 . 5/20
Well, that was a fun ride. Very different from what I'm used to reading and quite entertaining in how you presented the challenges specific to the bond and twins and the way it affected the voldy storyline.
Thanks for sharing!
Majerus chapter 27 . 5/20
The look she turned on her bondmates glowed with heat because wizarding custom had kept them apart for thirty-nine nights leading up to the wedding.
*boggles* well, that's just freaking rude! No wonder they're all near their wits end!

A look of determination on his face... LMAO!
Majerus chapter 26 . 5/20
Heh, I loved Hermione's thoughts on the ferret. Of course, some psycho's would think lucy or snivellus should be next come to courting... *vomits*

Nice job with navigating the pureblood traditions thing, it was solid and made sense. For wizards ;)

I'd actually heard of the 'shoe thing' before. People are freaking weird :D
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