Reviews for Not Okay
Guest chapter 1 . 3/7
I wish you would continue this so we could see their relationship and how they deal with this
malexfaith chapter 1 . 1/25
Angsty... raw. powerful. Thanks heaps for sharing
KH-Scribes chapter 1 . 12/1/2019
This was hard and beautiful and amazing and I thank you for being open with Jane and Maura. And I think this is how Jane would break down. You're an exceptional writer!
Aidyl James chapter 1 . 2/7/2016
Interesting point of view.
killie 64 chapter 1 . 6/3/2015
I don't think it was out of character at all. It's just that the 'professional' writers of R&I don't/won't/can't tap into the human side of Jane nearly as eloquently as you my friend! As you said, no-one can be strong all the time. We all hace a breaking point.

And you eloquently, beautifully, brilliantly, gutwrechingly, heartbreakingly, touchingly and gently brought Jane to hers in the arms of the one person who allows Jane to...just be! No expectations, no judgement. Only true friendship, comfort, understanding and pure love.

BRAVO! BRAVO! What a wonderful piece of literature! May the writing God's always continue to shine upon you and may you never be lost for words. Happy writing my friend, cheers xK64x : ) : )
DarXe chapter 1 . 11/11/2012
This was great. Think they glossed over a lot of this on show, but it is a show and it wouldn't be fun to watch the lead in the story have a breakdown when she is written as if nothing can get to her. I live that you gave her her humanity. It was beautiful. I would have loved to read more from this.
KittyGetAwayFromTheBlanket chapter 1 . 8/6/2012

I love your stories - first off, i've read about 4 of them tonight and subbed to you as an Author. I really like your personality portrayed into your Author's notes as well, and what's gotten me away from the story I am currently reading (ergo, THIS one, "Not Okay") was when I was reading and saw,..

"PAGE BREAK" and the lazy addition to Chapter 2, Lmao, that did me in right there, I - myself a lazy person, decided to let you know how I truly appreciate your writing and hope one day you find both socks, so they can unite and you can save your money on buying other pairs ... Let us all rejoice in world-unity.

Also .. It happens to me too, I never throw them away either.. Because I hope one day I will find them, and it's always a favorite pair, like my Black ones... I love Black socks, but do the ugly grey ones all worn out ever go missing? No, Nope. Always come back in the hamper. Maybe it's a Racial Sock thing - a war of sorts at night, who knows.. Why else would a Dryer and Washer be so damn loud you have to close the door?

Anyway.. Love your stories!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/2/2012
one of the best fanfictions ive ever read, you went into so much depth i felt like I was there in the story! amazing!
phuryism chapter 1 . 6/22/2012
I didn't think it was out of character, I thought it was realistic. I mean, I love the show and all the cute and funny moments on screen, but there's some serious shit that's happened and Tamaro doesn't dwell on that much; she doesn't deal with the fallout. It's nice to see it in a fanfic. It's nice to see Jane being on the receiving end of comfort, and it's great to see Maura all but force her to take it because she really cares that much.

And it's been mentioned on the show that Jane comes from a religious family, but we never see Jane's thoughts or philosophy or anything about her questioning her beliefs, so I thought it was fantastic that you had wrote it so seamlessly into this fic while keeping her in character.

Thanks for sharing!
memaw chapter 1 . 6/18/2012
brilliant writing simply brilliant x
Rainbow345uk chapter 1 . 6/18/2012
This was definitely not out of character - I think you got Jane spot on and Maura too for that matter. Great story
HappyGoLucky4love chapter 1 . 6/18/2012
Great story!
RaneJizzoli chapter 1 . 6/18/2012
First off awesome chapter/page break thing. I was so absorbed in what was happening I thought for a split second that Jane had started yelling at Maura about page breaks. It.. it's been a long day.

Anywell onto the fic, which is really good. I could really feel Jane's pain and anxiousness while reading. To echo other reviewers - I don't think it was out of character at all either. Really great work as usual.
ampersounds chapter 1 . 6/18/2012
God that was beautiful. Great job capturing both the characters and their emotions. I love seeing the emotional part of Jane that we never get to see on the show. I look forward to reading more from you!
Jeannie chapter 1 . 6/18/2012
I don't think it was out of character at all. There is no way that Jane could have gone through all of that stuff on the show without it having some sort of affect on her. We never get to see the dark side of this on the show. Anyway I think this story was pretty much perfect. You did a great job.
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