Reviews for Murder on the Vargas Express
Guest chapter 1 . 6/15/2015
Aside from the fact they did some things that are out of character. I really enjoyed this.
CaffeinatedKitty chapter 4 . 5/26/2013
Aaaaaaaaaaaand... I was expecting Francis to die too. But he didn't. XD Whoa, Roddy, stop with the caps! XD (Or is that how you write in telegrams? XD) Very interesting! I don't think there are enough stories like this! :D
CaffeinatedKitty chapter 3 . 5/26/2013
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeep. Knew it from the time they started with the baby. And I did have a feeling that it was him because I've read about people using canes and things for that purpose, but I have the worst memory and forgot that he had it. XD And as for the last chapter... What plot hole? XD
CaffeinatedKitty chapter 2 . 5/26/2013
This is really interesting, but I did catch a mistake- "She nodded and followed him out of the car, back to Yao's corpse. "Do you really think Vash or Yao could have killed him?" Elisabeta gestured to the body."
I think you meant Lovino. XD I actually did suspect Alfred for a second there, because he seemed so stiff and nervous when he was talking to Vash and Lovino, but... He's dead now. XD
zoofrog2 chapter 1 . 8/21/2012
:D I Really Like This Story! SO GOOD! Haha
lafayette722 chapter 4 . 8/6/2012
It's taken me awhile to read this but I finally did! Not bad, I found it to be very entertaining!
Velgamidragon chapter 3 . 8/1/2012
Ha. Not only was it obvious from the beginning who the killer was, but I also figured out from the beginning that he used the cane.
Cracking 2 Dawns chapter 5 . 7/31/2012
Aw... I wanted to see the ending. Oh well... I WILL READ YOUR SEQUEL! XDDDD

My brother saw this chapter and is asking why this had to end... So sad.

Either way, the story was great (while it lasted.). It'd be great if you had a series like this!
EmeraldHeart12 chapter 5 . 7/14/2012
Alright! I shall read it!
memoranda chapter 4 . 7/9/2012
Ohmeingoodness, this was pure awesomeness. X3
EmeraldHeart12 chapter 4 . 7/9/2012
Aha! Arthur was finally caught! Good fanfic! I'd love to read the sequel!
HetaReader chapter 4 . 7/9/2012
Finally! Someone did a Hetalia with Agatha Christie! I am a HUGE fan of her work, particularly Poirot and Miss Marple. I'm excited to read your next work now after reading this one. Francis as the detective is an uncanny choice, but it's nevertheless so fitting and remarkable.

I had a hunch it was Arthur (even the most seemingly weak of people are dangerous), I was still captivated by your work and loved the change of murderer and motive. I was really saddened to see Lili, Alfred, Yao and Ludwig dead...but I guess that's how mysteries work.

I'm looking forward to reading your next fiction - I can't wait to see what you've done instead of using the basis of "A Study in Scarlet"! Keep on writing! I applaud you on a job well done! :DDD
EmeraldHeart12 chapter 3 . 7/1/2012
GODAMNIT! NOT LUDWIG TOO! HOW DARE YOU! I finally got wrong, Its Arthur. Great fanfic!
Cracking 2 Dawns chapter 3 . 7/1/2012
Okay, so I thought America was the killer because of... factors in my head. But killing an old Chinese man, an annoying yet really just nice American, and a sweet little Liechtensteiner... And finding out my other guess is right... Well, here's my reaction:

OH MY LORD, OH MY LORD, OH MY LORD, OH MY LORD! *screams and faints*

ENGLAND? I told my friend about this story, and she is going to be REALLY upset about England being the culprit... Oh dear. DX

Whatever. This story is AWESOME. Even if England did it. I just hope he has a boss who made him do that...
lafayette722 chapter 2 . 6/25/2012
Poor Alfred. For now it seems he is innocent. I have an idea who it is but who knows I could be wrong like I often am lol
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