Reviews for G E A R I T O R I U M
Mighty Agamemnon chapter 11 . 4/7/2013 funny! Donald really seems off his rocker. XD And I LOVE Medieval Times and White Castle!
Epicocity chapter 11 . 2/18/2013
I honestly love this story. I find that it's humorous in all the right places and the satirical nature of it (assuming I am right in thinking it's satirical) makes all the more so. The story's pretty good too, seeing the relationships between our main three develop over the course of the story. It's nice to see a Kingdom Hearts story based around the Disney characters and not the original characters; it makes it feel fresh. In particular the Sir Terra Gaylord story was absolutely hilarious and was practically a fusion of both the real story of Birth by Sleep and what fans can potentially make it out to be. In a word: it's brilliant. I hope you update soon because this story makes me laugh and wonder all at the same time.

Dare to Be Silly,
crazycarl364 chapter 11 . 1/2/2013
Another brilliant chapter. I don't have much more to say than that, but I do love how you make Chernie B out as a serious member of the group.
crazycarl364 chapter 10 . 1/2/2013
″Chernie B″wow, you have no idea how much your writing makes me lol. This chapter didnt have much plot relevance but was still funny as hell. Would it be weird to ask the ages of Mickey Donald & Goofy in this story?
Captain Rodriguez chapter 11 . 12/28/2012
I found out about this fic from the good old chaps down at /khg/, and despite the fact that I don't normally like AUs, I am loving every word of this. The characters have very strong personalities and overall characterization, there are no grammar mistakes, and the whole fic is fucking hilarious. Keep up the good work.
Until next time,
Captain Rodriguez
Mighty Agamemnon chapter 10 . 12/3/2012
Ahahaha! This was cute! Donald's quips crack me up! "Mickey will be the comic relief when we experience failure. Sad, sad failure." And "Did you suggest cupcakes?" LOL...You'll never let me look at Doanld the same again, will you? But that's ok. I like this one too.
crazycarl364 chapter 9 . 11/13/2012
Very, very good job. This has gotta be the best KH story I've read in a while; although I don't really read too many KH stories considering that most of them are yaoi traps( i mean, what the hell people?! It's a Disney game for christ sake), but that's beside my point. I'm following this story and I hop you update soon!
crazycarl364 chapter 8 . 11/13/2012
a very character development-y chapter; very interesting
crazycarl364 chapter 4 . 11/12/2012
Mickey you so crazy!
still lovin' this
crazycarl364 chapter 2 . 11/12/2012
lovin this so far
Mighty Agamemnon chapter 8 . 9/8/2012
Cool chapter! Awww...poor Donald! You were just sticking up for yourself! Granted that you could've gone about it a bit more delicately...but then wouldn't be our aggressive, tempermental Donald now would you? It sounds like even Mickey is scared of pissing him off! XD Can't wait to see what happens next!
A Story In The End chapter 2 . 8/21/2012
Another great chapter! The Mickey/Donald dialogue is hilarious as usual. And Mickey is certianly a dismal writer.
I'm curious as to the indentities of both the man talking with Donald and Daisy's new friend. Which is why I'm going to read the next chapter as soon as possible.
A Story In The End chapter 1 . 8/17/2012
Wow. That was awesome. I've never even thought about fan fiction with Mickey, Donald, etc as the main characters. I'm glad I decided to read this, though. Great chapter. I'll be sure to read the next one.
Mighty Agamemnon chapter 7 . 8/14/2012
LOL! Well, being that I'd been fortunate enough to never have fought a midget...I can't say for sure. But I reckon one swift kick and the battle's won! :P

Anyway, neat chapter! It was nice seeing Mickey and Minnie bond after failing to impress her before! And Donald's situation with Daisy and Geoff are always fun!

Cool chapter! Keep it up!
Elementair chapter 7 . 8/14/2012
Great chapter! But quick question, why didn't you put this into the Disney category instead of KH? The kingdom hearts fandom does not usually read Disney character stories. It probably would have gotten more reviews if you would have put it in the Disney category. Just saying. :3 But yeah, anyway, great story! :D
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