Reviews for Honest Liar
bqueen.00 chapter 29 . 6/27
Hi, I know It's been a while since you wrote this story, but unfortunately (or fortunately) I just got to read it now. I think you should know how amazing work this is, and how amazing you are. This story touched me deeply. I cried, I laughed and I could feel every single word written. Thank you for that.
Lafemmevegeta chapter 29 . 5/5
This story was filled with so any truths that are unknown to others that does not live it. Thank you for the insight into your family’s world. Wonderful story!
CayStar chapter 29 . 1/24
Beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
Anonymous chapter 29 . 1/8
I just finished my forth story that you wrote. This one is so touching and heartwarming. Thank you for sharing it. Your author note at the end of the story wrapped it up nicely. We are all battling our own demons.
liz138 chapter 29 . 1/6
This is my third time reading this one and I think I cried with every chapter. Thank you.
BellaTesoro chapter 1 . 9/18/2019
I can't wait to read this. What a find. Already lured in.
Debs0608 chapter 29 . 7/4/2019
Fantastic story. I spent years looking at the story and not reading bcuz I thought it would be too sad. It was sad but also hopeful was Edward got his act together. Thanks for sharing.
Guest chapter 29 . 5/27/2019
americannight99 chapter 29 . 5/1/2019
I loved this story. I loved how we kinda had to work for the answers to our questions. my only question is what was blue's real name and the baby's name
Stronger than you since 1915 chapter 29 . 3/27/2019
I didn’t even know if I wanted to read this story, merely 24 hours ago. The subject matter was too intense and I was on a kick of more lighthearted fare. But I read it, devoured it really, and now I’m writing my first review in years. This story was... incredible. I cried so much over fictional characters taken from another story and thrown into a different universe. How bizarre is that? It doesn’t hit close to home, thank the heavens, but the story you wrote was so real and harrowing I think anyone can connect to it. I hope you see this and feel at least a little happy that your story truly means something to me.
Melissa Moyer chapter 29 . 3/8/2019
I’ve started reading this more times than I can count. This is the first time I’ve read the ending. I still have not read the whole story, I skipped straight to the end this time. I needed to know how it was going to turn out before I started again.

This hit me on a personal level. It makes me appreciate my crappy teen years. Because it could’ve been worse. And sadly it never had anything to do with how my parents felt about us. Both my mom and dad loved us a lot, and we knew it. They just had their own demons and weren’t so good with copping. I’m thankful for those experiences, my life before becoming a parent was 98% “What not to do when raising your kid”. As soon as I realized it was even a possibility I was going to be a mother I made a choice to stop following my parents path, to be the mom my own didn’t know how to be, to make sure my kids had a better life then mine. I’d like to think I’ve done a decent job. I’ll never win mother of the year or a good housekeeping award (I really should be cleaning not reading). But my kids are clean, well fed and decent human beings, we have a good home, plenty of food in the cupboards, and even a few luxuries (I consider internet and Xbox and other electronics a luxury).

Forgiveness is the hardest part, acceptance is almost as bad. You have to accept the people in your life as they are, flaws and all. And often those flaws lead to the need for forgiveness.
Gigileexo chapter 29 . 3/2/2019
I don’t know what hit me harder, the story itself or your A/N... Such a beautiful, sometimes hard to read, but nonetheless poignant story. So very raw and honest, despite the lies, honest in the sense of what addiction is truly like. The fact that the chapters aren’t chronological made it all the better, all the more shocking and gripping and understandable in a way. I think you and your story are “likewise”! Thank you for sharing something so hauntingly beautiful.
-Gigi xo
Guest chapter 20 . 12/14/2018
Sooooo she did have his baby? And he signed over his rights? Then he starts to take care of a whores kid? What? Just to shove the knife in a little deeper? What a total piece of shit this Edward is.
Guest chapter 18 . 12/14/2018
Its amazingly fucked up what Edward is doing with wren. Bella wanted to have a baby with him and the mother fucker got a vasectomy without telling her. And after he fucks everything up and bella leaves hes practically raising some prostitutes kid? LOSER.
Guest chapter 13 . 12/13/2018
Would have been nice to know what the fuck Edward told bella. 13 chapters of NO fucking answers. Its getting amazingly fucking old.
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