Reviews for 300 words
Guest chapter 24 . 9/9/2012
kabal1337 chapter 24 . 7/31/2012
First off, I apologize for not reviewing this in awhile. Thanks for taking my request, I really enjoyed it. I completely understand, and I wish you the best of luck with your music. In fact, there's a good chance that I'll take a bit of a break from writing too whenever I decide to focus on my drawing (I want to be a cartoonist or at least a comic writer/illustrater when I'm an adult). Anyways, good luck with everything.
mechafone chapter 23 . 7/24/2012
D: Wow. That chapter sucked. It was good, but it sucked to read about the mane 6 dying, and with Twilight, that was just really sad.
I'm sorry to hear about your great grandmother, you have my condolences. I hope your family gets some peace out of these mournful times.
nwtp-dreamer chapter 4 . 7/19/2012
I'm bored, and I would like to see what you can do. In order for this to happen, though, you will have to read my stories. This is optional for you, but I'd really like to see it happen :) I want to see if anypony else can make a short story with Olivia. Just an idea.
The Shadows Song chapter 22 . 7/18/2012
You skipped a chapter number. You went from fourteen to sixteen, this is actually chapter 22. Fix it. It annoys me.

But anyway, on the actual chapter, this is the best Snails fic I've seen in a while. I applaud you sir.
The Shadows Song chapter 21 . 7/18/2012
Uhm, polychromatic? That means one color, I think you mean hexachromatic, or something. Or "spectrumatic" or something.
The Shadows Song chapter 15 . 7/18/2012
I didn't feel a part of my soul shatter.
I felt a rib shatter.
UltimateCalculator chapter 22 . 7/17/2012
Sometimes we all just like to sit and think...then our butts get numb. :D Anyway, sorry I haven't been reviewing, my computer was taken captive. Stupid little sisters. And summer vaca is almost over. :9 Anyway, I loved this chapter abput Snails, He needs more air-time. Who's that other pony he's always with? Snips! Yeah, can you do one on Snips?
Guest chapter 21 . 7/17/2012
first, I read the title and I was good uhmmm
second, I read the first word "Twilight Sparkle" ... no you dont
After I read "She opened the door to find Rainbow From" I started laughing like a little girl, no you dont bucking

you, make my day, wonderful story, well written and very cute, thx again

by the way, Alan here
mechafone chapter 22 . 7/17/2012
Well now I'm curious as to who the beige earth pony was. Good chapter! There's not enough Snails out there.
Vuld Edone chapter 21 . 7/16/2012
Sh. I keep it quiet.
As said, there is enough variety to avoid any repetition. Given the only repetition is my comment, to make as if I was saying anything I did read your other stories - except TAE for now - and, okay, you were kinda' right. But still. Those 300 words stories are worth it.
Only what, two hundreds and eighty more to go?
mechafone chapter 21 . 7/16/2012
Ok, here's an odd request. I'd like to see a short story featuring Ditzy/Derpy and Carrot Top on Nightmare Night. Doesn't have to be about the episode, just some random Nightmare Night. Zany antics are a must.
Rawr chapter 20 . 7/15/2012
Great story so far, but try doing a chapter on school aged ponies, *cough cough* Snails *cough*
Alan chapter 19 . 7/13/2012
Warrior is a bucking movie and i really never see a SpikexScoots

if you accept, you could do one Twidash,dont need to be shipping, only a playful interaction between the two

...but if you like ship
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