Reviews for Fifty Shades and a Mistake
Raewyn Katene chapter 73 . 8/3
Loved it and it was complete
Denie1943 chapter 4 . 6/24
Just too bad you couldn't write this without the BDSM baggage. If you could imagine a daughter, surely you could imagine a Christian with control issues.
Linda Dockery chapter 73 . 5/1
Aww how I love a happy ending
This story was absolutely phenomenal I couldn't put it down
Sometimes I wanted to throw my tablet or phone whichever I was on but I just took some deep breaths and either had coffee, mtn dew, a margarita or a few but it was amazing to read your thoughts and imagination you have going on
Thank you for sharing
Linda Dockery chapter 72 . 5/1
If Dominic hadn't of wanted to riun Christian maybe just maybe and if Victoria hadn't of had a boyfriend maybe they would have worked out who am I kidding it wouldn't happen
Glad he apologized to her but yeah she still didn't get complete closure from him
Well now everything has died now almost normal everyone is happy and I believe no one is happier than Christian himself cause he never Imagined himself like this with his daughter his wife and a baby on the way. All I can say is you have came a long way baby and it's mostly thanks to Ana
Linda Dockery chapter 71 . 5/1
Andrew came to check on Victoria that was sweet and kind of him . So not getting back together well I think they made ths right decision cause they were drifting away from each other.
Moving in day oh goodness
Alrighty Dominic Lisbon jail bout time

More drama
Linda Dockery chapter 70 . 5/1
Oh wow just wow this is getting my engines running it's better and better a new house, Victoria talking to Flynn, Christian working his self loathing which he still has even after all this time the bitch still gets in his head . I think he if had completely kicked her to curb yrs ago instead of still having dinners with her he would be better but he is learning the right way with Ana and Victoria by his side
Oh goodness Andrew is back now did someone call him or did he decide he wanted to be with Victoria?
Linda Dockery chapter 69 . 5/1
Linda Dockery chapter 68 . 5/1
Damn it well it seems Dominic does a conscience a little one or he was scared that something was going to happen to him or he couldn't let Jack hurt Victoria
Oh hell Christian is going to find you and you will pray to God that he kills you quickly
Linda Dockery chapter 67 . 5/1
Oh lordy this is killing me girl you are something else what a helluva rollercoaster ride you have us on
Linda Dockery chapter 66 . 5/1
Oh sweet Jesus Ana is pregnant, Christian scared an walked out . Victoria talked to him to come back they'll make it I just know they will
Now how the hell is he there what kind of spy crap does Hyde an Dominic have
Damn Mia always running from her security guards
How did they know where they were?
She has got to tell them to help her
Linda Dockery chapter 65 . 5/1
Uh oh Ana is pregnant Christian I'm not sure how he will react to this new addition coming along with all the drama and chaos going on.
I know he might blow his stack and yell but let's hope he won't say something he will regret.
I know Ana is worried and scared to death
Linda Dockery chapter 63 . 5/1
Oh sweet mercy
Linda Dockery chapter 62 . 5/1
Just sayin somebody kill that bastard
Linda Dockery chapter 61 . 5/1
Well they are married Victoria is feeling empty nest syndrome I do believe but they are not leaving her for good. She has always been with her daddy it will change some but he loves her so she shouldn't feel insecure not really
She might be right about them starting a family one day but she will be included in that family
Now Jack Hyde needs to go find a hole and crawl in it
He is as delusional as the pedophile's bitch is
Linda Dockery chapter 60 . 5/1
Absolutely loved it but would have liked to have gotten the wedding scene bet it was beautiful and did they write their own vows
Yes this next chapter in her and their lives will be a new beginning for all
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