Reviews for Every Word has a Story
xHelgaSinclairx chapter 18 . 10/16/2018
All of them are so good! Update? Thank u for sharing all this jori goodness lol
Guest chapter 18 . 3/15/2016
Oh wowsers hope you catch up and come update!
Leo Gelly chapter 18 . 1/11/2016
These are so good. I love them! Can't wait for more! A First date one would be cool or a wedding perhaps? Just some suggestions.
KathyMata chapter 18 . 1/4/2016
Are you gonna add in to this chapter?
megameneko707 chapter 18 . 1/3/2016
If a person is a creampuff then they are also a subscriber for Unsolicited Project. Does that makes sense? Just want to say that you and your stories are awesome and please make more. Update soon and may you have a happy life. Thanks a ciao
ScottyBgood chapter 18 . 1/3/2016
Interesting beginning. i can't wait to see how things shuffle out, and what kind of relationship everyone's gonna have in the end.
emilylam0503 chapter 17 . 12/31/2015
Here's a prompt. I know this is a kind of copy of Jay aka Jordan's fic, but since it wasn't finished, could you maybe write a one-shot or short multi-chapter with this prompt : One could then find out they're transferring schools because of an issue of some sort. Tori and Jade would end up at the same school. The one not transferring would be a cheerleader and the one that's transferring would try out for a sport.
Great chapters for the last two updates by the way. :)
ScottyBgood chapter 17 . 12/30/2015
Cute. They should just buy Trina a pair of useless glasses. Then again, not the point. Just how my mind works. Hope they find their way to sighted happiness, and maybe more dirty talk. I like Tori's reactions.
Newsies73 chapter 16 . 12/28/2015
*clap clap clap clap!* That was my attempt at a round of applause. Haha. Not as affective in writing.

Oh gosh, Jori living with Trina! That is a disaster in the making! Haha

I really liked how you used the word. Started out as a warning and something bad, but then ended in a completely different and lovely way.

I chuckled at your jab at the tame high school swear words.

And yay! I'm up next! I'm looking forward to it!

I've been really missing Jori stories. Don't get nearly as many as we used to. And a lot of people from the olden days are gone. We are a small bunch now. :(
But it's good to have you back!
ScottyBgood chapter 16 . 12/28/2015
This was kinda a fun little read. I love the way you set everything up, with Tori and Jade already a couple, playing into the warnings about Jade, just in a different way. i think it's kinda sweet that Jade is even willing to live with Trina for her girl. Lets see what you have up your sleeves next.
Newsies73 chapter 15 . 12/28/2015
Wow! I remember writing a couple of reviews for this story clear back in 2012! Crazy! I think the word I suggested was Glasses. Totally still have a thing for glasses. Haha

What's completely awesome is that you came back after all this time, and you picked up The 100! That is one of my absolute favorite shows right now! And I am totally on board for some Clexa!

Let's see about some words... How about Spichen? I looked it up and it's the language the Grounders speak. It means Lying.
Or Ain. That means Mine. Haha

Now for some real words! Betrayal, Reunited, turnabout, leader. I'm picturing Clexa when I wrote those. But would find it interesting if you applied it to Jori too.
As for Jori. I'll go with Glasses again. Haha. You might of even filled that one! It's been so long I can't remember.
Also maybe Graduation, Studio, magnetic. Or Cornichons! Haha. I was at my grandpas for chistmas and he had a bunch of cocktail party snacks laid out, everyone was shocked by the fact I knew the French word for the mini pickles! That word was Cornichon! No one else in my family, which was like 25 people there, knew what I was talking about! So I dare you to write a story based on the French word for mini pickles! Haha

Welcome back! This was a fun little surprise and a blast from the past!
tashira.danae chapter 15 . 12/26/2015
daddyjoonie chapter 14 . 7/4/2013
For fuck's sake, you did it again; making feel emotional and shit. Excellent.
daddyjoonie chapter 5 . 7/4/2013
Damn it. That shit made me cry. This is probably my favorite.
AnonDot chapter 14 . 12/27/2012
You honestly just made me pull an all nighter of Jori M rated fanfiction.
Best. Night. Ever.
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