Reviews for Losing My Best Friend
bronydudeshadow chapter 1 . 6/28/2012
Sorry for your loss...:(...this story was nice. Very sweet and sad...
Guest chapter 1 . 6/28/2012
Hmmmm... needs moar PinkieShy
Legend of Derpy chapter 1 . 6/28/2012
Short, yet sweet. Dash's sudden realization in the end made me smile, as did the fact that Fluttershy watched her friend from heaven. I think you did a good job on it, but the events felt a bit rushed. It just seemed like a quick transition from mourning Dash to happy Dash. Nevertheless, I found myself enjoying your story. I am sorry for your loss.

Xx Write on, keep calm, and carry on! The Legend of Derpy, Proud Member of Critics United xX