Reviews for Nothing Else Matters
Pat chapter 21 . 9/7
I think this story is more interesting than "Lily's Defender part 2" and wish you'd continued it.

A very interesting development! But now, there are a lot of questions. Having Harry and Dudley going to a different school would have been an interesting continuation. But with Albus gone, perhaps your intent was to switch some/all of the kids to Hogwarts. There's still the question of whether the Board would approve all the new courses - and who'll be the new Head - and if Harry goes to Hogwarts, how does the new Head keep James and Sirius out of Harry's hair!

I can see from what I've read of your work so far, your not a big James fan. ;) Wonder if he'll get divorced and remarried again, and have more daughters. ;)
liza123 chapter 21 . 8/31
Blink blink blink

Oh my!? An evil cliff hanger.

I do love what you have done with this tale.
Potter Abducted by Penguins chapter 21 . 7/11
Dang! Another incomplete story!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/19
Wow lovely story I love the lily and sev pairing. I don't understand why lily married potter in the first place. Whatever the reason it's a good thing cause now they have little Harry. I hope Sirius sees the light soon seems like he has 2% more sense the potter. Please make James current wife relise what an awful person have her leave him. Know dear Jamie he blame everything on sev or his wife. I feel sorry for his daughter's cause he clearly doesn't care about them. Cant wait to see Pothead face when he relishes that harry isn't going to Hogwarts. Is Dumbumdork really dead or is this one of his many tricks to somehow kidnap Harry. I think he faking his death in hopes lily and sev change their mind and send Harry to Hogwarts. Can't wait for the next chapter so please update this amazing story.
Jackie Bair chapter 21 . 2/25
Love this story. Hope you update it again!
slytherinsal chapter 6 . 11/21/2019
did you change the name of the Chelsea Physic Gardens to Chelsea Psychic Gardens on purpose to make a magic joke? I'm not convinced that it works because obviously potions which are curative also physic people.
excessivelyperky chapter 21 . 11/20/2019
Brilliant Evil Cliffie-do wish you'd written the final chapter or two to finish this story properly.

But hey, I'll take this ending.
BaronHumbert chapter 21 . 10/23/2019
Please update, I really enjoy your story and would like to see it continued
crystal484 chapter 21 . 10/12/2019
thank you for this story i love it when will the next chapter
Guest chapter 21 . 9/30/2019
I've really enjoyed your story. I thought your portrayal of young harry was excellent - what a cutie! I guess we know more or less how this will finish, but i hope you do come back to it sometime to add that final chapter. Thanks for sharing.
Guest chapter 19 . 9/30/2019
With james being so awful, you haven't actually explained how it came about that lily married james in the first place - or did i miss it? Love potions?
Guest chapter 16 . 9/30/2019
Gosh, your James and Sirius are total lunatics. Frightening really.
N. A. Wennerholm chapter 21 . 9/23/2019
It has been three years since the last update. Saw a comment someone made I feel that Dumbledore should land someone he didn't expect because of his actions and the fact he isn't sorry or repentant about is and the fact he didn't stop James and Sirius behavior, in fact, he encouraged it. Plus he is also largely responsible many lives being ruined and lives lost because of him withholding information. that could have saved lives. So I save sent that manipulative old goat to Hades Hell for it.

As for James and Sirius, they should be let go from The Auror Corp. Because one they ate crap Aurors and two They let their positions go to their Heads. And another they are too damned prejudiced. Would mind seeing James parents showing up and giving what for and their disappointment in them. We know those two would never listen to Sirius Parents. Heck wouldn't mind Seeing James parents ghosts having a talk with the Goblins and the Ministry about James and The Potter account and estate and Lordship should they have One. And putting causes in the Will that James won't like. Even going so far and demand that James be placed under a guardianship. And one he would absolutely Hate. I'm Thinking Lord Prince. And for Sirius his brother Regulus with Lord Prince. That should really get their craw plus They both would make sure that Harry's little sisters and Stepmother are looked after along with his step-grandparents from his stepmother's side. Plus those two treat women and elves like crap. Heck, I wouldn't mind seeing Madam Bones lay into those two since she is the Head of the DMLE on top of sitting on the Wizengamont.
zero fullbuster chapter 21 . 9/19/2019
love it.
please write more.
brightflare chapter 21 . 9/13/2019
Very good story, hope you continue it sometime.
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