Reviews for Apple Dumpling Club
nizzyna chapter 18 . 2/18/2019
Oh my god! Please, you’re killing me. My poor heart cannot take the suspense! That cliffhanger was... just... wow. I know it’s been a while but update? You are an excellent writer by the way stay amazing!
Motherthing chapter 18 . 12/16/2018
OH DEAR GHOD! I see that you haven't updated in four years but that you finished everything else! I just found you and now you're gone. Weep, Wail and moan. I fell in love with these characters. I do hope that you will someday gift us with the rest of this story. Meanwhile I will go read the rest of your work. I do hope your sister and her wife are now blessed with a little one of their own.
Guest chapter 18 . 9/29/2018
Please update!
nbrian72 chapter 18 . 3/30/2018
bearygirl chapter 18 . 2/14/2018
Loving this story. Can't wait to read more.
2caughtup chapter 13 . 2/13/2018
Wish this would update! Really enjoy it
2caughtup chapter 18 . 10/19/2017
Loved this story, wish it would have finished. You have a nice way of writing.
Guest chapter 18 . 8/28/2017
Please update! I would really love to read more!
SarcasticBimbo chapter 18 . 7/20/2017
Oh my gosh. I love this story. I really, REALLY hope you take it up again sometime. You left it with such a cliffhanger. I just can't tell you enough how much I love this. :-) Thank you for sharing your talent.
Guest chapter 18 . 2/21/2017
Please update soon!
maja296 chapter 18 . 12/14/2016
Please update soon! Would love to read more
maja296 chapter 1 . 12/14/2016
Please update soon! I Would love to read more
Sunshine1220 chapter 18 . 9/6/2016
I stumbled upon this a few days ago, and fell in love! Funny, snarky, sexy. Please say you'll update soon. It would be so sad if this great story had been abandoned.
BellaFan78894 chapter 18 . 7/15/2016
Hope you update soon
Guest chapter 18 . 4/30/2016
Please update soon! Would love to
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