Reviews for Patron of Corus
Magelet613 chapter 14 . 12/31/2007

i loved that. It made me cry.

I am a little confused however. Who's Rathena? I dont get her. Can you maybe email me and let me no wat u meant by wat happened at the end?

my email is

I loved it

so sad, especially the letter at the end. You're a really great writer.
magequeen chapter 8 . 9/18/2005
what da fuck! it rawks anybody hu sais it stinks is dead...(grins evilly)
Protectress of the Small chapter 17 . 7/30/2004
yeah, that was confusing, thx for the quickie but really good, let me know of ant other fics u write

Liako chapter 17 . 7/21/2004
So sad, but I love it anyway! It's great! Keep on writing! You're doing a awesome job!
jewlz555 chapter 17 . 4/30/2004
You did not waste my time. I would spend a whole day to read this story. It was so sad and so good at the same time. I almost cried about a million times! Great great great job
snakefeather chapter 17 . 1/2/2004
at first this was a little confusing but then i read the authors note and re-read the last paragraph. then i finally got it. this was a great story. i wouldn't have minded at all if it kept going on. lol. i thought it was a great ending. personally i think you should do a sequal but its up to you. :)
kami no tachi chapter 17 . 11/1/2003
Yowza! Morbid indeedy. Anyhow, I really liked teh story but the ending is REALLY SAD...

*sniff* Poor Numair...
Kalliarnet chapter 17 . 9/23/2003

Powerful ending...

Lost for words (and for those that know me that rarely happens.)

Very very very cool...

Please write more stuff...

luv Kalliarnet
CrAzYhOrSeGiRl88 chapter 17 . 9/5/2003
that was a pretty good ending...not exactly the bad anti d/n i expected it to be (but didnt want) but instead i got a good one so bravo to you! Do more d/n in the future _
Tiffie101 chapter 17 . 9/4/2003
That was an interesting ending. Thought it was kindof sad. Oh'well your story was cool anyway!
tiffers OnEaglesWings.but too lazy to sign in chapter 17 . 9/4/2003
Awesome awesome awesome story my friend. I still think that...well...every part of daine should have ended up with Numair...I'm still confused...oh well. GREAT STORY LIZZIE!
Mariane chapter 16 . 9/2/2003
would it kill you to finish the story? I have been reading this instead of studying for yearly exams and now I will spend copious amounts of time wondering about the ending instead of about the legal system! ;) please please please please please finish it
sw33t t3mptations chapter 16 . 9/2/2003
o0oo.. she has to remember.. poor numair.. they're so great together! awwz.. she has to remember!
Devious Sorceress chapter 16 . 9/2/2003
You're ending it? i'm certainly dismayed alright. I love your story. Please write a sequal!
Sun Star chapter 8 . 9/1/2003
I think your story is really good it is th ebest one I have read! Please keep writing and I am really sorry about yoour friend
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