Reviews for A much needed release
bbmcowgirl chapter 1 . 6/29/2017
Wow, its been 4 1/2 yrs since this has been updated. Any chance you plan on adding more chapters. It's such a great story, seems a shame to leave it.
Angst-BuriTTo chapter 2 . 8/10/2013
Update please!
lover girl chapter 2 . 7/22/2013
where do I begin? Well first off this was AMAZING! I loved all the details! AWESOME!
Awesomesauce24 chapter 1 . 12/26/2012
LOOOVE IT! I love how you went in depth with clintasha and the eventual theve (sorry, I get bored easily so I come up with these names) In the upcoming future of this story, will we see any heated action between Thor and Steve? (I hope so) While you go forth on this epic journey of rewriting 'A Much Needed Release', could you put up a link to the old one so we can drown in hot boy-on-boy love? It would be nice. Cos your genius made some pretty hot situations. Please? Pretty please? With a cherry on top? With extra whipped cream? And Tony and Loki on the side with a sprinkling of Thor and Steve? *smiles a bit weirdly*

Lots of love
elinor chapter 1 . 12/20/2012
noooo! I loved the old version *precisely* because it was reductionist and got to the point fairly quickly, focusing on the relationship that i am really interested in.
Is the old version still online somewhere? that one was brilliant!

witlee chapter 2 . 11/26/2012
wow... i've read all the chapters before the rewrite, but i really have to give it to you. This is indeed a bit better and... ooh how i ttly love the way you develop all the characters. gawd. to bad that you have to start a new all over :P but i can't wait since you're this amazing :D

keep up the amazing writing skills and i know you'll get more viewers, followers and stuff «3
xxxx Witlee
Lady Frost the warrior chapter 2 . 11/21/2012
This should end well...
witlee chapter 15 . 11/18/2012
i really like this story a lot. the plot so far is really interesting and the pairings you made are really interesting, i can't wait to find out who you will find for Bruce... ooh what do you think about Jane? no... wait she is more interested in stars and universes than science? or maybe she will get more interested in Bruce once she finds out about his... conditions.
well i hope of course that you'll update soon and that i can read another marvellous chapter :D

and will Thor and Steve get their own chapter? or will they stay side characters in this fanfiction? I really liked the chapter where loki was teasing thor about his bedding rituals and making Steve all uncomfortable about there relation ship. i really missed the mischievousness from loki... but you did great in bringing it back «3

Other that Thundershield, Clintasha is also great... and the way you make Clint so ?submissive to Natasha, is just plain amazing. I like this version of Clint, gripping her tights, hiding behind her and clinging onto her, still uncontrollably annoying and a big bully, but just the clinging to his knees and screaming from the top of his lungs is just plain amazing :D

so keep it up, your writing style is great and like i said before i can't wait for the next marvellous chapter,
greetings Witlee (aka Natasha Daniëls)
Terra3434 chapter 15 . 11/5/2012
I really really like this story can you please please update soon:)
Kat chapter 15 . 10/15/2012
Ok, I love the ending! This story was fantastic from start to finish! This is definitely going into my favorites. Awesome story.
anonymous chapter 15 . 8/30/2012
Please update soon! I've read and reread this entire fanfic and I can't get enough!
0 chapter 15 . 8/11/2012
My name shall remain anonymous and I approve this fanfiction.
Citrus Fever chapter 15 . 8/12/2012
Wow this chapter was steamy :O and awesome!
PastAgo chapter 15 . 8/11/2012
MILE HIGH CLUB! Smut is my middle name.
emthereble chapter 15 . 8/11/2012
Ohh wow this chapter is brillant!
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