Reviews for Little Talks
asdgsgwegehsdheweqwsasf chapter 1 . 8/17/2013
Aw hell no.

I know you're gone off , but I had to leave a review anyway saying that I fucking cried at the end.

While I was reading this I forgot that Gan Ning dies and-
Oh god
I'm bawling
This was beautiful
MissNessarose chapter 1 . 7/21/2013
I was searching and this cute little fic came up
At first yeah it was cute but that last paragraph was so sudden and well written it reduced me to tears
XD Haha I'm such a sucker for this kind of thing. Very nice overall, and good enough to tug at my heartstrings a bit, too
Ablueberrynight chapter 1 . 7/21/2012
This is just so sad ;A; Nicely done as always. Am looking forward for more updates on your other stories
Huredhiel chapter 1 . 7/11/2012
D: it was sad...but good!
Ling Tong chapter 1 . 7/6/2012
Q_Q" ... fuck... I'm... crying? x'D
What have you done to me? D

I was curious about it and started to read. The idea with the constant change of scenes was really great, interesting to read!
And that these scenes with Gan Ning just were Ling Tong's memories... I like it :D
Really you're a great author /
Guest chapter 1 . 7/5/2012
I would like to start off by saying... KATIEPOO I AM SO GLAD YOU WRITE FICS GOSH! 3

May I just say that this is such a beautiful, bittersweet fic? Coming from someone who's never heard of Dynasty Warriors 7 until today, this was really beautiful and fun to read. :') I'm not familiar with Gan Ning & Ling Tong's characters (I searched them up just now and omg they are sooo handsome!) but Gan Ning's manliness and Ling Tong's softer personality make the perfect blend and a;d;adsaf;ag I would ship them in a heartbeat!


/sobs in a corner and pets Fang

- Kate unnir :3
S-chama chapter 1 . 7/5/2012
Coherent reply impossible.
This is great, really really great.
Save that playlist.
Vovo chapter 1 . 7/5/2012
Oh it's so beautiful! I really like the writing style and I love this kind of fragments of moments, these simple things in every day life that are so special. I think it was very well done the way you linked the moments of the past and present. You chose very carefully how to write the sequence of what Ling Tong did during the present time. The moments with Gan Ning were so sweet. I loved how you paid attention to little details, little gestures, movements and sensations that made the story so rich. It gave me some kind of synesthesic feeling, like I could taste the words, smell it and feel the warmth. It made me cry and it's not so easy to make me cry reading a story, I'm so critic and I use to cry only when I read good stories.

I'm so happy to see you're writing again. I really missed your stories. I always thought you had great potential in writing and it's not something I can say often to fanfic writers. I think this story really worked.

How are you? I hope you're doing all right. I really wish the best for you.

P.S. The talk about what Ling Tong was thinking and then the topic of sex being brought up was awesome! Ling Tong's answer of 23 hours really made me laugh, it was a great answer xD