Reviews for A True Daughter of the Black
Guest chapter 1 . 7/8
lolol what a way to start this off!
Mila Pink chapter 16 . 7/7
The story is fantastic ! Very well written.
Kai chapter 16 . 6/26
You solved it very well in the end, but a couple chapters earlier I was afraid that the purebloods would commit atrocities that would prevent me from sleeping right for a while. There are a couple stories out there I can't ever read again because they're just too cruel. Perhaps it's because I'm German, the idea that the faction in power has the right and the will to rape and torture large parts of the population to death just because they're born under the wrong circumstances is abhorrent to me. Such a Nazi shit attitude deserves total annihilation of the aggressor to give the victims a modicum of justice. It doesn't matter if it's the purebloods under Riddle/Malfoy/whoever, or the Dumbledore disciples, for The Greater Good(tm), of course. The history of my country proves that mass murderous dictatorships are a shit idea.

Concerning the survivors: I'm ambivalent about Snape, but I like that Hermione and Luna have survived and are in very good relationships. Those are my favourites in a fandom where almost all canon participants are useless morons, greedy arseholes, criminal murderous scum, or a combination of those.

I was a bit surprised that William proved to be such a spineless wanker that he tortured his own brother to death. I mean, he's a pureblood of a house that disowns, and cuts off contact with, squib relatives, where the patriarch is a incompetent ministry stooge who got his job solely on his blood status, and where the matriarch and the daughter openly disparage the mixed blood beast that's about to marry into their family. Still, Charlie was a pureblood as well...

About the ICW: Rowling just threw that name around, they're not fleshed out at all. It's completely possible that they're really such an elitist convention of racists that revel in killing off the lesser people just because. Seeing how Dumbledore allowed his little Death Eaters at Hogwarts to get away with everything including using all three Unforgivables, and no action against mudbloods and very few if any against halfbloods ever had consequences for the perpetrator at Hogwarts, and that he was the Chief Warlock under whose leadership the Wizengamot allowed rapists and murderers to buy themselves out of punishments, his allegiance seems clear.
KumikoNakamura0212 chapter 1 . 5/23
I can't believe Harry cheated on Ginny! The he does it with a girl 25 years his senior.
stevem1 chapter 16 . 4/30
This is a wonderfully twisted and dark AU. Recommended.
thebetawholived chapter 16 . 4/11
Well-written and intense! Thank you for sharing.
Lord-of Oceans-Poseidon chapter 3 . 3/8
lol everything is so over the place
Guest chapter 16 . 2/1
This Story should be called 'The disaster of words'
BaddieDZ2 chapter 1 . 12/12/2019
And this chapter alone ruined the whole story. Way to go, idiot.
Zarroc789 chapter 16 . 12/9/2019
Fan bloody tastic
Love2read23 chapter 16 . 10/23/2019
Wow. Such war and bloodshed and destruction. I was really surprised at the entire destruction of Hogwarts. I think I'll miss Neville the most. He was good. Ron seemed to redeem himself at the end there. I'm glad Hermione survived. I wish Ginny didn't and hadn't gotten to be with Harry like she wanted. I also wish Fleur had died. I hope she's not actually married to Snape. I feel like he could do better than her.
This has been a crazy but great story. Thank you for writing.
Love2read23 chapter 10 . 10/23/2019
I'm really sad about Narcissa. I don't know why. It's not like she was a great person but her and Snape ran away and I'd hoped they both get a happy ending. I hope that Ginny isn't a spy for Draco since Bill said she was willingly betrothed to Draco.
Love2read23 chapter 9 . 10/23/2019
Bill! Going to kill Charlie! Nooooo. I like Bill and Charlie. Usually. From fanfics. They're not really in canon much.
I was really hoping that Narcissa and Snape would be happy together.
Is Fawkes (because I don't recall how to spell the name Luna gave it. Heliopath? That doesn't look right) going to flame in with Snape again?
Love2read23 chapter 4 . 10/23/2019
I've noticed in several of your fictions that instead of using the word "what" you type "that".
Such as in this last paragraph: "Anyone who spends five minutes with Potter knows that he is a mugglelover to the core. And that is exactly THAT our new friends here on the Continent fear the most." Should be "And that is exactly what our...". I think it happens two or three other times in this chapter alone.
Love2read23 chapter 2 . 10/23/2019
I'm surprisingly okay with the Granger's divorcing and am so happy that Hermione dumped Ron and that Ginny can't get her hooks in Harry. I've read some great fics with Ginny being able to relate and help Harry but in general, I don't like the pairing. Thank you.
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