Reviews for Break Down My Walls
FireFox Vixen chapter 7 . 3/10/2015
Captain Turnip chapter 6 . 8/13/2013
Really amazing chapter! Take all the time you need. Your readers should understand. Love the story so far, keep up the amazing work!
America96 chapter 6 . 8/9/2013
im glad you finally updated. an im sorry that the court did not rule in your side of the families favor. you kinda realize that the systems an extreme form of chess and you have to play the system to your favor and thats a hard thing to do. in the end its just the whim of one or a few people. and how they see it. my dads a sheriff and he claims that he makes it clear he hates the court house. so i understand, and im so sorry.
Kara-Alyssa chapter 6 . 8/8/2013
This is really good! Please continue soon. :) also I hope your daily life gets better.
Kirst Kris chapter 6 . 8/8/2013
Thank you for updating! Awesome chapter! I hope that you feel better soon.
Vyudali chapter 4 . 8/8/2013
Contrary to popular belief, i think Arthur would gladly eat at McDonalds. There is a strip somewhere where Greece says he thinks its delicious.
Maybe not in the public of everyone he knows, especially America, but he would.

This is an AU where they just met, so i think it's reasonable to have him eating there.

Anyway, liking this story. Keep it up!
Kirst Kris chapter 5 . 4/6/2013
I like where this fic is going. I enjoy reading it. please update when you have the chance. :)
i really wanna punch al's dad i really do but ya need him for the story so i wont
VengefulMothSlayer chapter 5 . 11/26/2012
*whistles* Well then. That was freaky.
DAMN. I think I just threw up a little bit in my mouth.
BlackWitchesCat chapter 5 . 11/23/2012
Take your time. I know how hard it is to update. ;-; its especially hard when you have no computer like I am right now (looks like I've only written one story cause I deleted my others) anyway I am interested in the summer of drugs. Hope u go into it more ;)
America96 chapter 5 . 11/23/2012
Sh*t...Alfie better be ok...
Im so glad you finally updated! Yayyy!
Sorry about all the family drama, and i mean it. I know exactly what it's like, I've been there with my family, and I am still there and it sucks, but it will straighten out and get better. You just have to survive long enough to get there.
littlev123 chapter 5 . 11/23/2012 about an emotional chapter. I can't tell you how much I absolutely despise his dad right now.

And don't worry about making us wait, it's perfectly fine. Life always comes first. I wish you luck.
Indianwolfhelper chapter 5 . 11/23/2012
this is a really good story, you're an amazing writer. keep it up, I look forward to future updates!
Bobtastico chapter 5 . 11/23/2012
This chapter was really good, if a bit um, what's a good word? Emotion-inducing lol. This makes me sad that Alfred is stuck in that house but it makes me angry-please get him out of there soon! And please update as soon as u can, this is really good! :)
Leprechon50 chapter 5 . 11/23/2012
Amazing chapter! I'm interested to see where this goes on from here...
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