Reviews for Moves Like Jeager
metalhead030908 chapter 1 . 12/25/2013
Oh Grimmjow, you write his character very well. Kudos! And I like how you include the bone fragment even in an AU setting, that always proves a huge challenge. But you always nail it effortlessly.

Oh and thank you for this fic, it kind of mitigates the tears brought about by Behind Blue Eyes :) Looking forward to more of your works :D
Veracities chapter 1 . 7/30/2013
This was too beautiful. I was listening to a series of melodic dubstep and it just tied in so well with your description of their dancing. The ideas in this piece that were explored were too epic-Grimmjow claiming Orihime in unspoken words, Orihime's resolution to get out of the house, deciding that she wasn't an ordinary girl-all of it was gorgeous and breath-taking. It was also very believable and realistic. Having been to these sorts of dance parties, I can say your depiction was spot-on, although most dancing in clubs consists of grinding and dry humping heheh. Guess Grimmjow and Orihime are different from the rest of the world. (But we already knew that.)

And even if this story is set in a different universe, you can still sense the inner connection-how the two of them just have this natural chemistry and how Grimmjow completes Orihime. Your work may have been different, perhaps because it was describing Orihime's 'new beginning' of sorts, but it was still leagues beyond what the usual crowd around churns out. In fact, I could even say that this writing style is just as high-quality as 'Behind Blue Eyes' (which had me tearing up at the end like a baby) and all your one-shots.

Not many stories concentrate on the meeting of Grimmjow and Orihime and if they do, it's just like "Oh, his eyes are so blue. Oh, she looks cute." This has a more fundamental evaluation of each character as a whole, from the appearance to the thoughts of what may be hidden underneath. And, being a girl, I find some kind of gratification in reading about Orihime's exploits with her mystery man hehe.

The songs I was listening to:
The dance part- watch?vla0a7Wv7CvM
And the contemplative parts- watch?vU44bgOynjBU
If these links die out before you see this, the dance part is Hurricos & Dropbear - Moments and the contemplation is Candyland & Clark Kent Vs. Slow Skies - On The Shore.
They may be dubstep, but they're significantly 'gentler' and more pop than the general fare, so give it a shot if you're curious.

Just one tip, showing lots of reluctance in the summary-i. e. "please don't kill me"-isn't the best way to attract reviews lol. Also, the story could have used a more attractive title. But hey, to each her own.
Thank you for all the wonderful Grimmhime stories! They've made this week of summer a real blast.
greetingsfrommaars chapter 1 . 11/25/2012
after reading this fanfic instead of doing my bio homework, I felt a random urge to play the piano and had the most amazing practice session EVER.
I have no idea why though...
by the way, I am also currently reading "Behind Blue Eyes" on my phone. gomene, it's just too much of a hassle to review on a phone...
Takarah chapter 1 . 8/1/2012
OMG ! It was aworsome ! That was really good ! I can't tell it was different from your usual work cause I haven't read your other fanfictions, I will take a look at them .
good luck and keep writing !
Alice Scott Oneechan chapter 1 . 7/10/2012
Amazing! It's hard to find a GrimmHime fiction as good as this one. You are fantastic!
nypsy chapter 1 . 7/8/2012
thank you so much for keeping out names of the crush. every time i see yet another fanfic that includes her pining over her one-sided love while the he who won't be named is w/another i feel sick to my stomach. making it vague & having it be au allows reader to imagine anyone in that role for some well-deserved variability. i love the idea of sex-on-legs grimmy taking her breath away & leading her out of her shell, letting her wilder side, her inner grown woman out. your grimmy was awesome! loved how you have ori cutting loose & not caring about the rest of the club's opinion.

if you ever did a continuation, having the person who passed her over (who can remain unnamed & nondescript, really) finally see how beautiful inside & out she is when she is with grimmy (since she'll probably have a permanent mega-watt smile on her face & glow with happiness) & its too late would be beautiful to read. i've mentioned this before in reviews, but am a fan when the overlooked character (male or female) who had one-sided interest in someone is finally crushed on by the person they loved, after its too late & the previously neglected character has found true love w/another, more worthy, character. i adore stories with karma playing out, or people getting what they deserve, given in real life, there is almost never justice when it comes to relationships.
ul-him chapter 1 . 7/7/2012
Though I have never imagine a dancing Grimmjow... or Orihime, the very idea is hunting me...oh my dear... I can get why Orihime want him to take her, damn it who doesn't. Yet you do a very nice job keeping them in character even with an Orihime heating up it was still well Orihime.