Reviews for The Death of Etienne and The Fall of Saint Michel
Ybs chapter 17 . 10/29/2015
Amazing story, so poignant in its ending. A fantastic job! I'm crying on the train to work as I write.
Lemmingbot chapter 17 . 6/13/2013
Absolutely terrific. I devoured this in only two days and still want more, you have quite a talent, my friend. You explored the strange bond between Valjean and Javert without tipping too far in to them being either lovers or total enemies. One of the finest fan fictions I have read for a very long time. Hugo would be proud.
Thegoblinqueen1998 chapter 14 . 4/28/2013
I really liked this one. The whole possession thing makes me happy.
teenagejustice chapter 17 . 3/23/2013
Wow. Just… wow. Such a beautifully crafted piece of writing. You inhabited the character of Javert with such depth and emotion it hurt to watch him go through everything he did. I've been trying to write this review for the past hour, but I couldn't find the words that would do it justice, because this… this just completely blew me away. Every moment was captivating, every emotion so perfectly articulated I could feel them tugging at my own heart even as they were tugging at Javert's. The relationship between him and Valjean was brought to life incredibly well: the devotion, the bond, the tradgedy of it all was just such an emotional powerhouse. After Javert's wounding and Valjean's lashing I didn't think there was anything you could have thrown at me to make my heart ache as bad as it had then, but that last chapeter… mon Dieu, that last chapter had tears streaming down my face that I didn't even realize were there until it was over. Truly an amazing tale.
withoutwords chapter 17 . 3/21/2013
You have done everything in this piece that would aim to do in my own writing, and you have done it so incredibly well, the only thing you have left me to do is piece myself back together. (and content myself with the thought that if I could write something even 3/4 of the quality of your writing I would be proud of my work.) I have always loved Javert for his tragedy, and you have developed it, making it even more heartrending than in the Brick, which I would not have thought possible before reading this.
tragicbeauty1991 chapter 17 . 3/21/2013
That was absolutely beautiful! The emotions are so intense, and the wording was almost poetic. I've only had the chance to skim it so far, but I'm definitely going to go back and reread this in detail ASAP! You do a marvelous job of fleshing out Javert's character and making him human-something that can be rather difficult to do without making him too soft. But you succeeded! :) Wonderful work! I'd love to see more like this in the future.
TheWildHeffernan chapter 17 . 3/20/2013
This is incredible. When I read something this deep, I kind of go catatonic for a bit. Then I think about it for a long time. Then I almost wish I hadn't read it, because it makes everything else seem silly.
Then, of course, I remember it fondly and make other people read it. I need a hug.
I love your story. A lot.
TheLawrIsNotMocked chapter 1 . 1/28/2013
This is one of the most beautiful,most tragic,most wonderful stories I have ever read. I cannot express how this moved me.I got actual heart pangs when reading is magnificent. The characters are so beautifully written.
I hope that we get to read more of your work.
evedereille chapter 17 . 1/13/2013
Geez. This is so... sadly beautiful. I like your characterization of Javert very much. I sense the Gypsy child in him never really died so I thought he'd have a chance at last. But as another commenter says they are sort of immortal in the novel, so the death seems not so tragic after all... yet still, I'm sad :(

This is one of the greatest les miz fics I read. Thank you!
athousandwordsdaily chapter 17 . 1/12/2013
The ending left me weeping like a child. You have a very powerful writing style; this is a wonderful story.
Whisper 2 chapter 17 . 1/6/2013
DAMMIT! Hit a button too soon. ; ). Anyway! Javert keeps Valjean constantly running toward a better light in the novel. It would have been nice to have had Valjean realize that fully in Hugo's version. Thanks for writing a better ending for their chase.
Whisper chapter 17 . 1/6/2013
How does this story not have more reviews? It is gorgeously written, and flows with Hugo's own style quite nicely. I love how you've understood and captured the essence of both Valjean and Javert. The characters in the novel are all representatives of various levels of sin and salvation, but Javert is almost always underanalyzed. Valjean and Javert are a strangely inseparable dichotomy. Javert is not so much Valjean's enemy as the relentless force that keeps Valjean on the run toward a better light. Whenever the first man becomes complacent or begins to show signs of frailities such as vanity or jealousy or com
lonelystars chapter 17 . 12/16/2012
Somehow, I think that Valjean and Javert are a little bit more EVERLASTING than this. They managed to become the main characters of an INSANELY HUGE TOME OF A NOVEL, after all. he he I think even death is a little thing to those two. :D
lonelystrangers chapter 1 . 12/16/2012
Would be awesome to see Valjean/Javert hurt/comfort. Is there any? :)
samiam95 chapter 17 . 9/26/2012
this is incredibly poignant and insightful and I love it. And the conclusion... i will not be able to forget that in a hurry.
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