Reviews for A Witch's Quest of Mount Doom
Milly Kanzaki chapter 11 . 3/21
Hola, no voy a traducir ésto, porque quiero que sepas que no sólo los de habla inglesa leen tu fanfic, nos tomamos el tiempo de leerlo en otro idioma, porque se hacen historias maravillosas, y ésta no es la excepción, así que por favor, intenta continuarla.
mie.gjerstrup chapter 11 . 2/21
I hope you are going to find your muse again, it’s one of the best fanfics between Harry Potter and lord of the rings I have read so far.
CallaRose4ever chapter 11 . 12/7/2019
This story is wonderful so far. I hope you will come back to it. YOu did say you were not going to abandon it altogether so I am hoping you are still thinking of coming back. If you want you can send me what you have of the next chapter I would be willing to read it and bounce ideas around with you. Please come back it has been years please continue it.
Shetan20 chapter 1 . 11/27/2018
Thank you for a very enjoyable chapter.
Shetan20 chapter 2 . 11/27/2018
Thank you for a very enjoyable chapter.
butterflydreams70 chapter 11 . 10/1/2018
you could start this up again...please...
Guest chapter 11 . 5/26/2018
Legolas needs to make up his mind about how he feels about Hermione. Also, Pippin needs to be reminded that Hermione is not a miracle worker and there are some things magic can't do!
Guest chapter 10 . 5/26/2018
I think the creatures you are calling goblins are actually orcs but otherwise I like this story.
daughterofthechief chapter 11 . 5/6/2018
Agh this is such an amazing ff-a really well written story and one of the best I’ve come across on this site. I especially like the relationship between Legolas and Hermione especially when he’s possessive/jealous lmao (I know its cliche). Maybe you could also write any Feanorian/OFC (particularly Maedhros/OFC/Maglor) or Feanor/Nerdanel from the Silmarillion ff as I think you’d capture their relationship really well. I love your characters-they are so interesting and Legolas is such a vutie.I know its been a really long time since you’ve updated and probably won’t see this but if you do, please update-you have such talent and it would be a shame not to continue. Pplz plz update xxx
Guest chapter 11 . 11/6/2017
Well, I was hoping to see this story solved, but it was not to be yet. I’m still hoping to see it finished though. I this this was the third time I have read it from the beginning. And enjoyed it a LOT! Plese don’t give it up.
carol.sider chapter 11 . 9/2/2017
please update soon! I need more of this story!
KillaD chapter 9 . 6/4/2017
Guest chapter 11 . 4/8/2017
please continue this story

it is incredible
is lovely

please continue
LoveBuckyAndHawkeye chapter 11 . 12/28/2016
Salut !
J'adore ta fiction, elle est bien écrite et l'on ne s'ennuie jamais! En 2013, tu as dit que la pause de cette fiction serait temporaire. Cela fait déjà trois ans et tu ne l'as toujours pas poursuivie. Je voulais savoir si cette pause temporaire était désormais définitive. Si oui, je trouve cela dommage mais respecterais ta décision. Si tu décides de la continuer, alors j'ai hâte de lire la suite !
Bon courage à toi et peut-être à bientôt !?
Dragon Whistler chapter 1 . 11/21/2016
Love it. I hope you get something to inspire you to finish this story. It's a really cool cross over.
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