Reviews for (A) Harry Potter: A Child Prodigy in Wizardry: Junior Level, Year One
Guest chapter 2 . 7/6
Angel chapter 46 . 4/17
Me encanta tu historia felicitaciones por tu trabajo
Guest chapter 46 . 2/13
good story
fanclaire chapter 46 . 12/9/2019
Thank you ! It was fantastic ! I loved each of the 46 chapters!
Now that I like Harry Potter, I really enjoyed it! Sirius and Severus are great dads! Authoritative, stern but so fair and loving!, Always inflicting the right good punishments! the grounding, the spanking on the knees! Everything I love! It was exceptional! Really ! Thank you !
I will quickly started the story number 2!
fanclaire chapter 39 . 12/5/2019
Wonderful chapter!
Snape and Sirius are severe but fair! I loved ! Like always !
Thank you !
(I have a question that puzzles me! .Nymphadora does not change hair color in front of muggles? ... lol)
fanclaire chapter 36 . 12/4/2019
I also like the name "dad", and all that implies! , love, authority, severity, I love !
fanclaire chapter 35 . 12/4/2019
I loved this chapter! Thank you!
Sirius is so right! And Snape starts trusting Sirius to let him punish Draco! Sirius will let him punish Harry if he wants it and deserves it now, I think. Harry knows now that his two dads have often been in trouble!

This story is perfect! Thank you !
fanclaire chapter 13 . 12/1/2019
Lol! (Laughing) Yes, Snape would become rich with such a potion! Sirius and Snape start to appreciate each other. I liked this chapter too!
Thank you !
fanclaire chapter 2 . 11/30/2019
I loved this chapter! where Harry asks Sirius to call him "daddy!" .. he's his dad now! I feel that he will test his father a lot!
aghost chapter 2 . 12/10/2018
Sirius is being uncharacteristicly strict. Why so serious, Sirius? :p
Adamsbabygirl chapter 7 . 7/4/2018
I decided to read some of your other fanfiction stories even though my preference seems to gravitate to OW
I am very much enjoying your story here as I enjoyed the original Harry Potter books and movies. You are able to bring them right up to par with the books by J.K. Rawlings. Very well done.
RavenclawPrefect chapter 46 . 6/12/2018
Amazing, your the best
Dr Webster chapter 14 . 4/21/2018
No this isn't about your use of corporal punishment but what is around it. 1) You have Black acting as if a spanking is the only punishment that there is. 2) You've Turned the Black into a hypocrite. He was one of the marauders but now as a parent he demands to know everything the child is involved in and spanking results at the least deviation. 3) Snape is up to his old tricks but does Black support his putative son? Nope Snape is allowed to run roughshod over the studentsyet again. 4) you've made Snape a healer. No person with his background would ever find the time for the study nor would their lack of empathy permit it either. In short you've blown this part rather out of proportion.

Just for the record I am a teacher and I raised a son & yes I believe in corporal punishment properly applied. Its use alone I deo not find offensive.
Guest chapter 46 . 2/8/2018
Where did Dobby come from? Shouldn't it be Kreacher, since Dobby belongs to the Malfoys?
Vampireking40 chapter 15 . 2/9/2018
Draco has finally gotten into some real trouble.
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