Reviews for liars for liars
StarTrail chapter 1 . 5/9/2016
This is really fucking good. I loved every line.
kincaidian chapter 1 . 8/20/2014
The excitement of season two being announced led me here, and I AM SO AMAZINGLY GLAD THAT IT DID. You've contrived the best ending, the most natural progression for the anime-verse. I've always been desperately unhappy with the way Masaomi's story ended, the slightly tacked-on pseudo happy ending of riding off into the sunset with a girl who hero worships *Orihara Izaya*. This is quiet, sweet, and unforced, and I really hope you have more stuff in this fandom. 3
Kensy Echo chapter 1 . 4/9/2014
It's a really good story. It somewhat carries a heavy feeling just how it feels for the real story of Durarara! itself. I like your writing style for this... It holds so much feeling of the character. That makes me wonder, the post series thing, is it just your own story or you make it based on some part in the novel? It's really good. I like it...

Keep writing!

BeyondMyReach chapter 1 . 11/18/2013
omg. You have no idea how much I love this right now. Your portrayal of Mikado and Kida, and the changes they go through. Absolutely realistic and wonderful. You have this way with words and timing. Love.
Humanized Serenity chapter 1 . 10/2/2013
I loved this. Simply amazing! Beautiful! I especially loved Mikado's anger towards Izaya, and how he understands that the broke Kida. The ending was awesome too!
Naire chapter 1 . 9/12/2012
I really liked this story, it was so full of emotions. You managed to capture them perfectly without making the charackers say everything out loud. The end was amazing, romantic but simple.
I just wondered what happened with Saki, you didn't mention that.
OtakuAme chapter 1 . 8/9/2012
Love it. I don't know what else to say, it's beautiful. Lots of layers to the characters, especially mikado, it's perfect 3
Zombie L chapter 1 . 7/14/2012
That was sooooo sweet! I loved it! Make more plz! :)
Cael Luciano chapter 1 . 7/13/2012
Your style is very interesting. This flowed easily and kept me interested the whole time And I usually don't support this couple. Good job.
Person chapter 1 . 7/12/2012
I quite like this. After all the shit they've been through... it's nice to see a happy ending for them.
The Strongest Hero chapter 1 . 7/12/2012
Wow. This is absolutely phenomenal. It tugs at my feelings in just the right way to make me want to read it over and over again for eternity. It's beautiful and perfect and the emotions are absolutely extraordinary and I want to hug it and make it sleep next to me in my bed. The writing style is completely perfect for this sort of story. I don't even know if I'm fully expressing how moved I am by this.

It's perfect. All of my feelings. All of them. You win.
Marshmallows Rule The World chapter 1 . 7/12/2012
Just beautiful. Amazingly beautiful. There just aren't enough Mikado/Kida fics. I love your writing style and this fic left me wih tears in my eyes. Love you so much. Keep writing!
Wilisa03 chapter 1 . 7/12/2012
Oh my gosh, i loved this.