Reviews for Why hate the Xenos? Why not?
shadow chapter 44 . 8/2/2017
I liked the chapter!
Nick chapter 2 . 3/13/2017
Looooool "Archon Telbert, who has promised us that he will make sure that all civilians they rescue are treated in the same way they would treat us." this gave me a good laugh.
Dazzle chapter 44 . 3/22/2015
This was super neat. Thank you for writing!
CookieMonsta1233 chapter 2 . 11/12/2013
Oh crap, I get the feeling that those Eldar are not what they seem to be...
Axcel chapter 1 . 6/20/2013

Tau? Fluff says everyone, Eldar, Imperial, etc. considerd the Tau to be an extremely minor species. They have, what, thirty star systems compared to the Imperiums many millions (only like, one million habitable but many times that for resources). The only reason they are not simply a footnote in the game, if that, is because they're playable.
Conrad chapter 44 . 6/13/2013
Really great story, can't wait to see when the tale of Nathaniel continues and where it will go. Fantastic
Spartan 31337 chapter 44 . 6/12/2013
two words to sum it up:

Bad. Ass.
BIBOTOT chapter 44 . 6/12/2013
Good ending to a great series.
Schadenfreude555 chapter 44 . 6/11/2013
Great ending to a great story - its true that you have accomplished some amazing things in this story. I have not reviewed frequently but I feel as if I owe it to you to let you know that I have been a loyal reader and will continue to take great interest in any future stories you may write.
Xeno Tyrant chapter 43 . 6/2/2013
i feel so bad for nathaneal he cant ever be happy
BIBOTOT chapter 43 . 6/1/2013
Oh this is just getting better and better. The Old One seems a bit strange, though. Their goal is to create balance in the universe, which is the destruction of Chaos and Necron, but also harmony between Orks, Humans, Eldar, Tau and Tyranids. If one race is to be superior compared to all others, that balance would be lost. I dont think they would agree the Imperium going aroung butchering every other races and thrashing all their creations. Obviously, it requires all forces of Order, except Necron, to rule and govern the galaxy.
AlwaysBetOnVoid chapter 43 . 5/31/2013
Good ol' Nate has a heart of ice, kinda upset he killed chun but then again it's probably for the best. Life and day of an inquisitor.
Heart of Lies chapter 42 . 5/16/2013
Fantastic. Loved every chapter keep up the great work
RustKnight chapter 1 . 5/12/2013
Wow, this looks to be a good fic!
AlwaysBetOnVoid chapter 42 . 5/7/2013
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