Reviews for Play
annieathome1 chapter 18 . 5/26/2013
oops, posted review before I completed it! cont'd - Steven is glowing!
(and you really are quite funny! there is a title of Mr. Hay and a boast of 'you do the math!' and some confusion in the morning - 'why am I the wrong way around? I remember being...flexible!' and squabbles about the dvd - start, middle, PAUSE IT! and just the endearments - 'tease...incorrigible tease...unreformed tease'! and talk of when they're pensioners - I'll still rock your world! lol!)
and loved the sweet scene betwixt Amy & Brendan (you don't seem as lonely and make sure this time it lasts!); just as sweet with Pete & Brendan, as well! 'til finally we get the - 'move in with me' statement. the kidnapping was never gonna part them really. it is Steven's choice, he does choose Brendan, 'it was never gonna be anyone else!'
playtime is over, Walker's vendetta may or may not be over; but you've given us an ending with Steven muttering Brendan's name over and over and that is most satisfactory indeed!
annieathome1 chapter 19 . 5/26/2013
playing games is one thing, playing with people's lives - quite something else! Walker believing he can be messin' with Bren & Ste - it shouldn't work, but will it? Brendan always thinking he's hiding his true feelings of Steven from anybody/everybody - as if! and Steven and his men! he's said goodbye to Doug, he doesn't like & doesn't trust Walker - why doesn't he just steer clear? and his Brendan - their Tuesday nights with Cheryl have gotten them back to that familiar, trusting/lusting place again - will they be the couple they 'deserve' to be
you've started the 'games' and Walker is not playing by the rules! 'enjoying the scenery' a bit too much! calling Ste - 'Steven' (that's always/only been Brendan's thing!) & then going even further & calling Ste 'sweetheart'. Walker is kissing both of them - he kissed Brendan, to give Steven the wrong impression & he kissed Steven hoping Brendan would find out! but he's finding Ste to be all kinds of 'adorable & perhaps plans have changed!
but I love how you write jealous Brendan, determined-to-get-his-boy Brendan, and just plain sexy Brendan. he's still got it! Steven still wants it! and...'so that happened!' (love the call out about - tremendous bed hair!) and loved your getaway for them. Steven is 'glowing'
chenee1988 chapter 19 . 12/3/2012
that story was great!
bbydoll85 chapter 19 . 11/12/2012
Wow,just finished reading and wow... You're an amazing storyteller, the characters were captured wonderfully,I laughed, I blushed during the hot naughty bits and I cared so much more for ste and Brendan as you have us what HO haven't...yet! Thank you and know you've cheered me up no end xragdoll26x
kabr chapter 19 . 11/4/2012
Wow that was amazing. So well written and you captured the characters perfectly. I loved it.
electric violinist chapter 19 . 10/24/2012
Awww, lovely Stendan needy, grateful to be alive sex! x
Guest chapter 19 . 10/23/2012
Lovely. thank you
PatriciaJessic chapter 19 . 10/23/2012
It's a great conclusion. Love the whole thing looking forward to your other stories.
Love Out Of Lust chapter 19 . 10/23/2012
This is a lovely ending chapter! I adore the way Ste and Brendan both try to save the other. It's exactly the kind of reaction they'd have on screen. Walker not being caught is chilling in a way, but I hope he never hurts then again, and manages to find some kind of peace. The frantic sex scene is wonderful, as is Brendan's realisation that the games have to end completely, and that Ste is his own person. Thanks for another brilliant story!
Empathist chapter 19 . 10/23/2012
What a perfect and satisfying ending to this exciting, suspenseful story. The final scene was wonderfully romantic (without being sugary) and emotional. Thank you for another beautiful fic.
Menandboysandme chapter 18 . 10/22/2012
Ahhh! Brenduuun! Hurry up and save your boy now! This story is so good, can't wait for next chapter!

Btw: Ste tied to a chair...yeah... *drools*
tashiihalsey chapter 18 . 10/22/2012
What a chapter! But poor Ste! I love your Walker in this fic and the way you've intertwined the OS events into this have been nothing short of flawless. The bit about Walker being the most considerate kidnapper made me laugh, it's so clear he really really doesn't want to hurt Ste. And any narration about Ste's arse...mmmmmph!
Update soon, pretty please? Fab story Ayla as per usual :')
PatriciaJessic chapter 18 . 10/21/2012
Getting more intriguing. I hope the next chapter explains how Brendan supposedly killed Walker brother. I have to say, Walker is a lunatic. But these chapters are great. Keep up the good work.
Guest chapter 18 . 10/21/2012
love this so much please continue it. by the way its me amy off twitter x
Love Out Of Lust chapter 18 . 10/21/2012
SIMON LEAVE BAMBI ALONE. A very intense chapter! I love lots of things: Ste and Doug being lovely friends. Ste's naked ass being admired by Brendan. Walker calling Ste "lover" (it made me giggle.) His speech about Brendan loving Ste. And Brendan's utter turmoil at the end. He needs to go and save his boy.
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