Reviews for Game
cake0108 chapter 12 . 11/21/2019
Yes, make your move Gary!
Maia's Pen chapter 11 . 1/27/2019
Yikes. I sure didn't expect the story to end like... THAT. I'm honestly not sure what to feel. The story was so darn entertaining and funny and romantic and hot and now... depressing and sad?! It's like I accidentally clicked on a totally different story. The three year time jump threw me.
Gary being a drunken loser for three years over any woman, even Misty . . . after what a mighty character he was brilliantly portrayed to be. I dunno, LOL. Drat. I'm a die-hard fangirl, though. I can't help but only see him as strong AF! ;) Don't get me wrong, I loved the story. I must be just so sad by uber depressing finish that I can't process it. Maybe that is a compliment to your story telling, then. :) You are a dialogue master and had me LOLing on many occasions through reading this. I think you wrote Gary, Ash and Misty really well and I do hope this isn't the last Egoshippy from you. When you wrote "to be continued", it's not too late, ya know! ;) You can always pick your pen back up and finish, hint hint. I'll be here to read it!
Best wishes and thanks for the tale!
Maia's Pen
Maia's Pen chapter 10 . 1/27/2019
Dead?! Um . . . so I didn't see a three year time jump coming and certainly not the death of Ash.
I hope that's not true! Yikes!
Maia's Pen chapter 9 . 1/27/2019
AHHHHH! That was so dramatic!
Thank gawd Umbreon is ok!
Maia's Pen chapter 8 . 1/27/2019
Ash's mom is THE funniest character!
Cool pkmn battle too! _
Maia's Pen chapter 7 . 1/26/2019
OHHH! SANP! Gary Motherfucking Oakkkkkk! BOOM! hahahaaaaa! Brilliant.
This chapter was sooo smexy AF! OMG! And then... EW! WTF?! ASH is a dirty boy, and not in the good way like Gary. Sleeping in skin flakes and Doritos ...BARF! GAWD. Ashy-boy, you need some serious therapy to basically abandon your dream job over Misty. Sheesh.

This story is soooo entertaining. You have an awesome vocab and the dialogue is really just super. I am so bummed I didn't read this years ago, but it is nice not to have to wait for updates. I can just chop off a chappie here and there as time allows._

PS- did I mention how hoootttt you write Gary?! Dang! That opening scene was like... I have to go stick my head in the freezer now. LOL!

I hope this isn't the last Egoshippy fic from you. We Ego-peeps need ya out here!
Maia's Pen chapter 6 . 1/26/2019
OHHHHHH! THAT! THAT! Ending! OHHH! Gary you got GAME BOOOOY! This pic is well-titled!
I looooooove this soooo much!
Maia's Pen chapter 5 . 1/26/2019
HAHAAAA! Ash C0ckblocking Professor Oak. Dannng! This was soooo good. And now it's 3AM and I have to go to bed :P I am sooo rooting for ya, Gary! Just put a post-it note on Misty's lips that says "GARY WAS HERE. ASH IS A LOSER"
Boom. ;)
Maia's Pen chapter 4 . 1/25/2019
NOoOOOOooooOOoooooOO ! Misty . . . don't go to Ash! You'll only end up disappointed, he's not 1/100th of the man Gary is! NOOOOooooOOooooooOOOO!
And ZOMG! That Kiss was hoooottttt!
I can't thank you enough for writing this, I so needed an Ego-fix! _
Maia's Pen chapter 3 . 1/25/2019
DAMN! That was DRAMATIC! And... I LOVED IT! ZOMG! They are sooo well-matched. xD THE BEST!

And when he said 'tell me I'm pretty' I laughed out loud for reals XD

I LUV EGOSHIPPING! _ the dancing was so adorable and romantic! SQUEEEEE!
Maia's Pen chapter 2 . 1/25/2019
That Pokemon battle was awesome! Great, exciting read.
You really have terrific dialogue between Gary and Misty... it's addicting to read and makes my inner Egoshipper GRIN! _

I am dying to see if Gary is able to collect that kiss he's owed. ;) Ash is so stupid, hahahaaaa... he shot himself in the old foot here! I can't even feel sorry for him.
Gary just eats Ashy-boy alive with wordplay.

Thanks for another fun chapter!
Maia's Pen chapter 1 . 1/24/2019
OMG! How am I just discovering this AWESOME EGOSHIPPER now?! I LOVE THIS!
'Hung like a gyarados' THAT WAS SO FUNNY!
And the Gary Oak fan club girls... omg! xD

Gary is so hot and cocky AF! I love him. I am drooling. Misty is so spicy and this story is very entertaining. The Gary and Ash interactions KILLED me... sooooo funnnnyyyyyy xD xD xD

From one Egoshipper to another: Well-done.
I look forward to continuing to read. MP
Marvech93 chapter 11 . 8/27/2017
I hope you are reading this despite the fact that this fanfiction is several years old.
I have extremely high standards when it comes to what I read and I don't review unless I have been impressed by a fanfiction. And you are one of the incredibly few people who have managed to impress me with your story.
Where do I even begin with this. I don't think I have ever seen anyone with this much talent for characterization and I'm including all the actually published books I have read throughout my life. I don't think I've ever seen anyone portray their characters so well. They don't feel one dimentional like so many others on this website. They feel and act like real human beings and not cardboard cutouts characters. Even though you made the characters much older than what they are in the source material, their personnalities is spot on. Even the minor characters like Prof. Oak are masterfully portrayed. And the way you portray Misty and Gary... I have no words.
Never have I read a fanfiction that found that perfect balance between dragging things on for way too long or rushing it to get to the "good" stuff so that you don't feel invested in the story at all.
All the dialogue is masterfully crafted. Nothing is tedious. It's so well written you can picture the scene perfectly like a movie. It feels real. And when you get to the romance stuff, it really made me feel something. You made Gary into such an irresisitble playboy not even Misty could resist him and you made it totally believable.
I wouldn't have bothered to write such an elaborate review unless I really wanted to see what would happen next. You have captured my attention. I don't heap praise on just anyone but I couldn't not tell you just how fantastic a writer you are. I know it's been a while since you updated this thing but if there ever is a chance that you would continue this then please! I will be your faithful reader and I will gladly review!
Guest chapter 11 . 8/21/2017
This made me cry like a baby, so beautifully sad.
LadyHobson chapter 11 . 9/5/2016
I just came across this story. I just got into Pokemon for the first time since Indigo League originally aired. Stayed up late reading your story and now I am bawling my eyes out. I see it has been 2 years since you last updated. At this point, I don't expect you to finish the story but I was wondering if you would mine messaging me and letting me know how you planned on the story ending. It is unresolved and such a good story that I want to know what happens.
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