Reviews for Collision
Guest chapter 1 . 11/12/2015
I'm not one to write reviews often but I liked it. It was simple, written with the right length, and for me makes me imagine that unseen journey.
Noisiboi chapter 1 . 6/19/2013
I have to admit. This story really "wow'd" me. You did amazing at writing this!

The whole thing from start-to-finish couldn't have been written any better. And the way you wrote their personalities and the conflict of their characters, was spot on. I did not see a hint of them being out-of-character!

You really did impress me. This is most definately one of my favorite stories, if not my most favorite. Well done!
(Plus I do like Lightning and Cloud as a pairing a LOT! Hahaha)
Guest chapter 1 . 4/27/2013
Very nice, very nice! I loved it, if only for the marvelous way in which you captured the very essence of these two characters. It was poetic, to say the very least.
Driven by Apathy chapter 1 . 7/21/2012
Interesting. And pretty good for the most part.

The first thing that made me wonder is why you'd write Cloud as holding back in a fight against a woman - given how often he's fought besides or against women I certainly can't see him having problems thinking of women as effective and therefore dangerous combatants. But that is easily explained by that part of the story being written with Lightning as the viewpoint character. He's not actually holding back because she's a woman, she just thinks he does.

The one problem I had with the story was how it felt rushed at the end. In particular the line "To whether it's possible for you to let love enter your heart again" felt like something I just couldn't imagine Cloud saying. Too emotional, too direct about issues he tends to keep bottled up inside. Maybe after sufficient character development such a line might fit, but in this case my willing suspension of disbelief just broke for a moment.

Which is a pity, because it's still a very enjoyable oneshot all things considered. I wouldn't mind reading more of this.
CasualFictionWriter23 chapter 1 . 7/20/2012
I'd say wow! This is great, you really captured their personalities perfectly, yeah Cloud is more melancholy than Lightning, but both of them have the same things in overall (except Cloud has the bigger size in weapon choices, hehe). Anyway I hope you'll make their adventure story one day. I'll wait.
Devil Hunter Kira F Sparda chapter 1 . 7/20/2012
This is a very good CloudxLight story. I commend you for making this wonderful fiction!