Reviews for The Little One
FracturedSpark chapter 15 . 7/11
Yes! Miko has claimed the tiny starscream! This pleases me.
cheyennexshadow chapter 38 . 6/17
i hope team prime, dreadwing, jack, miko, raf, starscream and arcee will going to be okay.
Shelbie chapter 10 . 5/19
I know his is serious and all, but all I can imagine is “go to your room young lady” accompanied by disappointed dad stare from Optimus
LunaMoonstar19 chapter 1 . 5/2
In case you didnt get the notication, I PMed you.
BlueStar19 chapter 38 . 5/2
Hope you can update. I know life sucks. I'm there too and unable to write much either. But we still get it done as writers until we either put the story up for adoption or finish it. At least for me. I still get them done, even if slowly. I feel you and hope that you can finish it one day. I support you and be waiting. Good luck in life. Let us know.
Cybertron Lover chapter 12 . 4/7
Please make more chapters please
gaming-is-served chapter 22 . 12/6/2019
love that red vs blue reference in this chapter
Mimajo chapter 38 . 11/21/2019
First off, thank you for writing such an amazing story, I love the character development and the plot, yes there are many grammar errors, but it is enjoyable none the less. I am sad to hear that you are having less time to do what you love, and, I wish you the best in life.
UnluckyJC chapter 38 . 11/16/2019
Hey growing up is part of life. We lose things we wish we didn't, but we can always make new things. Its great that your going places, and hopefully you reach your goals. I love writing and I love seeing people's connections with it.
Guest chapter 38 . 11/11/2019
Please, don't give up. We are all expecting the rest of the story.
This was a really good story.
You must to finish it, you know?
Entity245 chapter 1 . 10/21/2019
Pls write more you inspired me to write my own stories. This was the 1st fanfic i ever read pls for the love of starscream finish this story just one more chapter i just need a happy ending
cheyennexshadow chapter 34 . 10/19/2019
okay, unnn... what should i say about this? ratchet, optimus, bumblebee and bulkhead may be know
and understand what it's like to lose someone they loved and cared about but maybe they actually really don't understand at all, they don't understand arcee's point of view not seeing what pain they just caused to her. i thought family and friends don't hurt each other, guess i was wrong. i hope arcee could make things right and learn to forgive, i hope team prime would forgive her too even jack, june, miko, raf, fowler, starscream and dreadwing. i really hope megatron wouldn't change starscream back to his old self and i hope his brothers will come for him soon, blackblade better not hurt starscream in a such horrid way or help me i'll kill him myself! i'm glad dreadwing will be helping her and i hope he'll help others too as well. i wish you all a good life!
KOTHP5532 chapter 33 . 9/12/2019
Really good. Yeah, your characters are a little ooc, but I love getting to see inside Arcee's, Starscream's, and Rachet's heads, especially. It's sometimes hard to remember that virtually all the mechs, 'Bots and 'Cons, carry around a lot of baggage with them. I mean, they've all fought in a war for more than half of their lives, or were born into one (it's kind of sad that the latter category, which includes Sideswipe and Bumblebee, is better off, since the early years of the war were BAD). That kind of pain even affects the few bots who were hardened killers or veteran soldiers for all of the war, though most of them never admit it. Heck, even Megatron and Prime (with the Matrix) are pretty banged up phsycologically. Honestly, humankind has a lot to teach the Cybertronians about dealing with trauma, since, we are pretty good at it due to our shorter lives, and lord knows every single one of them needs that help to varying degrees.
Guest chapter 20 . 9/4/2019
this is so wholesome, i love it
Guest chapter 7 . 9/4/2019
well fuck
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