Reviews for Brotherly Bonding
Guest chapter 1 . 7/28/2012
Love this! It's so cute! In fact, for being such cute, fluffy little story it's amazing how much in character John and Sherlock are.

The only thing that bothered me a little it's that you refer mostly to John as Watson, and while that'd be convenient for the RDJ movies or the Doyle's book, for bbc's Sherlock it looks strange...

BUT, I loved it nevertheless.
Megan chapter 1 . 7/27/2012
That was brilliant. You captured them both perfectly, which is hard to do with Holmes. Bravo.
CogScript chapter 1 . 7/28/2012
Give over John, that was the most pathetic excuse yet D
arelando chapter 1 . 7/27/2012
love this "brotherly bonding" thing hahaha yeah right John just wants Sherlock for himself.

P.S. love this fic
ForeverShippingJohnlock chapter 1 . 7/27/2012
Haha this was brilliant! Totally adorable and completely in character! I wish you would continue it a bit tho :)