Reviews for Ninja Turtles '03: Bishop's Conundrum
LittleKy chapter 1 . 10/2/2013
This was very, very interesting! What a fascinating look at him! You captured everything here so subtly and perfectly- I liked the way you had him goading the turtles into fighting him. You really did a great job of showing his depth and complexity- I think that's why I find him so cool. The writing itself was great, as well. Very cool scenario. Good job :)
SewerSurfin chapter 1 . 9/15/2013
This is excellent! I could totally see this happening after the show ended...the TMNT know who he is to become but cannot reveal it to preserve the time line. So they go easy on him at times, but Bishop, being the intelligent, calculating man he is would notice that in a second. Well done! The description in worded beautifully, and the emotions so clear. I could really picture Bishop contemplating at his window, hands clasped behind his back and casting glances at his watch. I do hope you write more in the 2k3 'verse sometime.
SleepingSeeker chapter 1 . 9/11/2013
Fascinating character study. I loved how you incorporated the SAINW story line without giving it away - rather you slid it in under the radar, so to speak. The turtles reactions to him were subtle but clear and Donnie's sadness and resignation to his fate, had me at first thinking this was the reason he'd vanished and though he resisted his fate at first, knowing that it would bring about the nightmares he'd witnessed, he finally submitted to his destiny.

But actually, I'm really glad that this wasn't the case, but rather Bishop goading them into fighting him once more. I, like many fans, was deeply affected by SAINW and want to believe that the power of changing our future lays within our grasp and not some faceless power like Fate. I certainly wish the guys a better future than what was foretold in SAINW.

Bishop is a very interesting character and with this story you've given us a glimpse into the workings of the man's mind. Well done!
Mikell chapter 1 . 9/7/2013
Bishop is SUCH a freak... It really bugged me in the Fast Forward series, that he'd morphed into a semi-good guy, but the character development was certainly interesting.

I think what I like most about the series is the depth of the villains as well as the heroes.

Well done. :)
Rivenchu chapter 1 . 12/16/2012
Geez this story was really interesting... thanks for writing it!
Spiritual Stone chapter 1 . 9/3/2012
This was a genuinely interesting take on Bishop's side of the story, well done! Loving how the change from evil to good is being rationalized here.

Was well worth the read. Thanks!
Simone Robinson chapter 1 . 8/11/2012
I must admit, this has inspired me to get back into writing about Bishop. He has always been a fascinating character to me, and many people fail to portray him. You, however, have done a very good job of this, and I commend you for that. Your varying sentence structure adds depth and interest to your work, holding the readers attention. Your flow is smooth and you have translated your thought well without it being evident that this was written. In other words, you achieve the seamless writing, which, unless looked at by an experienced eye, is easy to get lost in, and submerge in the story, the scents, sights and feel. You portray the senses well, and you hold enough suspense and questions for the reader to stay hooked until a rather satisfying ending. You are a skilled writer, and I hope you continue to write at the level of excellent you have so far attained. Very good work, a story which I enjoyed very much.
notawordsmith chapter 1 . 8/7/2012
Had to pop over and have a look, and I must admit I'm disappointed ...

... why O why haven't you written more?!

I'm old school, I must admit, so Bishop's always going to be new to me, and a little hard to understand.

Not anymore, your fabulous introspection really helped me come to grips with this complex ... well ... bastard. ;)

Perhaps I might write a little about him, now you've helped me understand him so well. Thank you for that, your story's so well written, so easy to read and I really enjoyed it.

So go forth! Write more! I eagerly await to read another story from you ... you have too much talent and too little published works.

Eagerly looking forward to reading another tall, talented tale from you.

BubblyShell22 chapter 1 . 8/2/2012
Wow. A very interesting introspective about Bishop. We don't see many stories about him. You did a good job with this and how he was confused as to why the Turtles were acting that way. I also liked how he didn't give them answers because he didn't want to. Nicely done on this. I look forward to more stories from you.

The Bubbly One,
Fantasyfan4ever chapter 1 . 7/28/2012
Wow, fascinating oneshot! Bishop is my favorite TMNT villain, and I think you did a brilliant job depicting him considering how complex he is. Although I didn't like the Fast Forward season too much, I liked that Bishop eventually turns good and redeems himself. Well done!
TGabbyS chapter 1 . 7/28/2012
Whoah... nicely done. Watching the boy's restraint, because they know of the good deeds Bishop will accomplish in the future, from Bishop's eyes was fascinating. His characterization was spot on. And then with both of them taking the figurative gloves off... really cool. Well done. :)