Reviews for Keelah Se'lai
HomelessBadass chapter 1 . 7/22
I loved this story so far, hopefully it may continue someday.
EkhidnaWrites chapter 72 . 7/8
7 years dead.
McHartson22 chapter 72 . 4/30
I don't know if you ever plan on finishing this or Heavens, but i hope to God that you do. This story is absolutely amazing. Thanks for taking it this far, at least!
Spock77 chapter 1 . 1/24
I'm not really read this story at all but I will say this Christianity does indeed save all because I am one.
Matteoarts chapter 4 . 12/12/2019
I can see where this is going. This is legit just a 'christianity saves all' thing.
ClearlyOriginal chapter 39 . 12/3/2018
A whole chapter dedicated to religious talk.
And how Tali is slowly being converted.
ClearlyOriginal chapter 37 . 12/3/2018
I don't know if you still bother to read new reviews, but I have to say this, since I haven't really reviewed up until this point.

You weren't kidding when you said there's going to be a lot of talk about religion. And I know you put the warnings, and I get you're talking write a different Shepard, but I hope this isn't some subtle conversion fic. I'm sure that's not your goal, but there's a lot of deep dialog.

The strange thing is that this wasn't even a prominent thing in the beginning chapters of this fanfiction.
Now, you're trying to make this your number one focus.

Anyway, I'm just rambling.
If you do read these, thanks for writing this.
Still a shame you'll never finish this.
ClearlyOriginal chapter 36 . 12/3/2018
Yeah, too bad you'll never finish this.
Ilireanwri chapter 72 . 6/20/2018
This story, like your others, is very good. I love it. It's just sad that you haven't updated it since 2013. I hope you'll someday continue it.
Ilireanwri chapter 67 . 6/20/2018
Hehehe, reading about the Vorcha out of all Races being able to chase the Reapers of their Homeworld even when regarded as primitives... Man that has to sting the Council races quite a lot once they hear of that ;)
Ilireanwri chapter 55 . 6/20/2018
I always thought it was a really nice gesture from Bakara to insist calling her first child Mordin to remember and honor his sacrifice. That a Krogan insists to name her child after a Salarian, even if he did what Mordin did, is a big step for the Krogans away from their dark past.
Ilireanwri chapter 50 . 6/20/2018
You surprised me again. While this fic is really religious, it stays mostly neutral (a rarity once religion is involved) and openminded. I mean there is not only a civilized Vorcha, but he is religious too and willing to lead Vorchas away from their Barbaric past like Wrex is doing with the Krogans. I admit I'm not a big fan of religion (it just gets abused to often) but I love this fic, because you really manage to show the positive side of religions.
Ilireanwri chapter 49 . 6/20/2018
It's just my personal opinion, but I think you exaggerated how fast Tali (and Quarians in general) gets deathly sick just a bit to much. Having the first sympthoms fast, ok that is not that unreal, but going from having the first sympthoms to very ill to lethal in what feels like 10-20 seconds? A bit too fast in my opinion, because I think that's to fast for something to spread and the Body to react (But maybe I'm wrong).
Ilireanwri chapter 43 . 6/20/2018
Btw. I like the idea you had to explain how some people are more resistant (maybe even immune) to Indoctrination than others, by them believing in something. It actually makes sense, because often Indoctrinated starts seing Reapers as just, higher beings or even deitys, but if someone already truly believes in something, Indoctrination would first have to replace that slowly enough that the victim doesn't realize that these thoughts aren't their own... I can actually see that working.
Ilireanwri chapter 42 . 6/20/2018
Two AIs having a conversation if God(s) exist or not; AWESOME. and both sides could be true as both make sense depending on how you believe.
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