Reviews for The Sun, A River
Guest chapter 2 . 2/10/2019
Please update your stories. You are fucking fantastic. I just discovered you and I'm so sad and really excited that the stories may have a chance of being completed. Don't forget this awesomeness. PLEASE!
Guest chapter 2 . 12/27/2018
I really like this story. :) In the first chapter, you said you had 4 chapters that were pre-written and ready to post? If you have them, please share them with us! I really want to see what happens with this poor, sad Sasuke. Will he finally try to drown himself? Will Itachi worm his way back into Sasuke's life now that Mikoto and Fugaku are gone? Will Sasuke get along with Kushina? Will Sasuke's feelings for Naruto ever be returned, or are they doomed to remain as one-sided?

I also want to know if anyone will ever take Sasuke to get some help? His parents should have taken him to a doctor immediately after they discovered he was being abused by Itachi. It wasn't enough to just separate the brothers, Sasuke needed to see a medical doctor and a therapist. It's no wonder he suffers from feelings of worthlessness, it's common among abuse victims. Besides that, will Sasuke ever tell anyone (like Naruto) what happened to him? It would be good if he could just talk about it, even if no one one is willing to take him to see a doctor. Someone finally needs to be able to tell him that what happened isn't his fault.

And lastly, is there any hope for the relationship between Sasuke and his parents? Fugaku seems like an awful person with the way he constantly ignores Sasuke and then turns around and yells at him for doing absolutely nothing. I want to give Fugaku the benefit of the doubt and say that his ignoring Sasuke might not be because he hates him, but rather that he can't face Sasuke because he feels guilty for not protecting him from Itachi sooner, but I don't know. Sasuke has a huge case of self-hatred so he views the world through the default perspective that he's worthless and everyone else knows it, which means his POV isn't an accurate portrayal of reality, but I fear that this may be a case where he's got it right and Fugaku is secretly disgusted by him. It doesn't seem like his father has ever said a kind word toward him. I'm curious what went down the night Fugaku caught Sasuke and Itachi together. Did he find them by chance, or had he suspected something? And what happened after they got caught? Did Mikoto and Fugaku ask Sasuke for details like how long had Itachi been abusing him, or did they just never talk about it at all? I feel like Mikoto, at least, doesn't blame Sasuke for it because they're currently raising Sasuke like he's their only son. If they thought it was a mutual love affair, wouldn't they have disowned Sasuke as well?

Argh! I just really want to know! I really hope your muse comes back for this one. :)
LeafVillageT chapter 2 . 10/18/2017
Omg, I wanna die right now. Please, PLEASE finish this!
you bitch chapter 2 . 8/2/2015
Either update atleast once a week or stuff this shit up your ass you left us with a cliff hanger... I hate people like you,you rope us in then leave us stuck..go die

l'author chapter 1 . 6/29/2015
Awesome job! I'm thinking of going back to read your original because I'm afraid l catch up on this I e and then be desperate for more! But that being said this is clearly a great representation of a sad, emotionally disturbed, PTSD version of Sasuke and a very depressing backstory that gives him a reasonable excuse to be that way. Thanks for posting and keep up the good work!
Guest chapter 1 . 9/21/2014
I think this would be better as a narusasu
hananotsuki hime chapter 2 . 4/22/2014
Your descriptions are so EPIC! I love them! You iz awestome! _ Fugaku sucks, I really don’t like him, like at all. Kushina is their servant? Well, that’s just peachy *note sarcasm, lol* Them bitches gave him Itachi’s old cellphone…ain’t that sum shit. Woooowwww, Sasuke, your parents suck. You use really good vocabulary too. You are so cool, lol. Hahaha, Naruto forces Sasuke to have these weird gay moments, which are hilarious and really cute on the slick. _ I find it highly amusing that Sasuke reminds Naruto of his mom, rofl…I have never come across that one. _ I love Sasuke’s character is this story *dies laughing*. OMG, ItaSasuNaru is awesome! I was so not expecting him to have that fantasy right quick…too much for me. I hope Itachi doesn’t come down to mess with Sasuke, but it seems like that may be wishful thinking. I hope Fugaku never finds out about the school thing though. That was some BS, Sasuke was only late one time, like what the hell?! His life just sucks, but your story is amazing! I hope I can read another chapter! _
hananotsuki hime chapter 1 . 4/22/2014
Wow, I really don’t like the fact that they partially blame Sasuke for what happened. His mom is kind of full of shizz man, she keeps bringing that man up in Sasuke’s face. That is just straight BS. Itachi is a mean bastard in this story, lol. You do a great job writing in first person. It’s hard to find writing that is well done when it’s in first person, but you pull it off well. This fic is awesome! _ I feel really sorry for Sasuke in this fic. Like I can’t believe his mom gave him something that used to be his brother’s favorite food. His life just sucks! And then to the point where he had to find out he was the child that was almost aborted…just damn. I love Sasuke’s initial description of Naruto, that amused me. _ I also loved Sasuke’s personal rendition of his class schedule. It was hilarious. This was a great chapter!
Balfie chapter 2 . 2/11/2014
Please update soon!
AsadLittleMuss chapter 2 . 8/23/2013
plz update!
ForeverRainingFire chapter 2 . 3/11/2013
Wow, that was really good, but incredibly depressing...
sabrinamustafa chapter 2 . 1/30/2013
aaaamazing Sad and slutty Sasuke is so depressing hot! really, i need to see his relationship with naruto develop *-*
Kaitlyn chapter 2 . 1/21/2013
Woot! Review number fifty!

Hiya. I'll try to make this short and sweet.

I just wanted to say I absolutely adore this story, and pretty much all of the others you've created. I really hope you will continue this story, as well as countless others, namely Lovesick for Sin. I've noticed you've been obsessing over The Hobbit lately, and while I'm really glad you're still uploading stuff, I hope you'll get back to doing Naruto stuff soon too.

Thank you for being such a fabulous writer, and I - no, we, your fans - look forward to seeing more from you.

Adore ya!

- Kaitlyn
Reiki chapter 1 . 1/5/2013
I loooveee your story & the crazy sadistic slutty Sasuke you created..I've legit NEVER read a fanfic where the author didn't make Sasuke stereotypically "seme" meaning he isn't some hotshot jock who gets Naruto wet by uttering one syllable! I love this broody kinda psycho Sasuke sigh please update! Thankyou for re uploading this story even though I never read the first draft(:
Katsu-bombs chapter 2 . 12/28/2012
Awesome! Oh I can't wait until you upload next! :D
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