Reviews for A Serving Extra Large
RHJunior chapter 8 . 7/2
that's totally off. The teachers are freaked that the students nearly wandered into a bunch of deadly traps so they're- making the traps even deadlier? Wouldn't "fix the staircase and lock the door" be the more likely approach?
TheBeanLord chapter 11 . 5/25
I am absolutely in love with this story, and I am saddened by its abrupt ending. If you ever choose to continue this I would be ecstatic to read more.
Abandoned chapter 11 . 3/5
This R&R has gone on for six years three months and twenty one days are you ever going to come back to it. It is an amazing story and you and just leave it like this incomplete if you are not going to continue it maybe you should put it up for adoption
Abriv chapter 11 . 12/8/2019
Sad to see this hasn't been updated in a while hope you are still writing I really love what you were doing with this your perspective is very interesting
Guest2974 chapter 11 . 11/29/2019
How dare you abandon the work of art I was growing quite fond of it but lives are lives right, ok well I was wondering are you going to continue this throughout his time in school and end it there or are you going to skip ahead to the future with him as Olivanders apprentice and just show the years as flashbacks, I hope you continue and maybe get *giant out of the Dursleys and Dumbledore's dirty claws and get him moved into Olivanders nice polished and manicured ones, to live with of course
Au revoir,
P.S. I love, love, love you for not making Severus not hate him and put him into one of my Hogwarts houses
Enishi-Haru chapter 10 . 6/25/2019
This story is great and I really hope you are going to update it. Please don't abandon !
JlovesGaara chapter 11 . 6/17/2019
Beautiful chapter with the unicorns.
Hufflepuff-01 Melodie Erudite chapter 11 . 2/22/2019
This story is great and I really hope you are going to update it, still.
Sabpars7 chapter 10 . 2/6/2019
I was slightly surprised that you haven't mentioned a very easy "fix" for dyslexia. Pink tinted glasses. Or a rigid glass/plastic to cover the page. Depending on the severity of it, it usually corrects the problem.
There are a number of tints to correct an equal number of eye issues.
ADHD and ADD is harder. For the HP world, nutrition deficiency options and calming potions or a derivative thereof would work as well as Tai-Chi meditation. People forget that it's usually an imbalance of vitamins and minerals that generally start the problem.
Sorry if I sound like a know-it-all, I simply have had close family and friends with both issues and it always frustrates me that people are so uneducated about fairly prevelant issues.
N. A. Wennerholm chapter 1 . 1/31/2019
It has been over five years since the last update would have Like to this finished. And Dumbledore and The Dursleys get what is coming to them. That also goes for anyone else who has wronged Harry and his Families such as Pettigrew, and Tom Riddle, and many of the Death Eaters. Plus with Harry's Knowledge from the Mundane world on various Learning Disabilities that knowledge should be passed on along with what was learned to help such people since it appears that The Magical World has the same Problems. I would be surprised by the situation the Goblins Found Dumbledore is Responsible Such as the fact that he has James invisibility Cloak Which is rightfully Harry's that also goes for the Wand and Stone from the ring Since Harry is basically the last Peverill Descendant.
N. A. Wennerholm chapter 7 . 1/31/2019
Sounds to much like the Piece of shit Dumbledore at work.

I say Susan should call in her Aunt Amelia to handle the Head Master and Professor call Quraill and remove every Thing that is dangerous in the Castle even if it means getting help from all the House Elfs to Locate Everything and bring it to a central Location for removal.
N. A. Wennerholm chapter 8 . 1/31/2019
Sounds to much like the Piece of shit Dumbledore at work.

I say Susan should call in her Aunt Amelia to handle the Head Master and Professor call Quraill and remove every Thing that is dangerous in the Castel.
N. A. Wennerholm chapter 1 . 1/31/2019
What a waste of food that could easily feed Harry to meet his Dietary needs.
Hardy chapter 5 . 12/31/2018
I may be late to come but since this is your fanfic you need only stick to cannon were you need to for your story

So far I like it
Enishi-Haru chapter 11 . 12/29/2018
Great Great Story, I'm looking forward to the next chapter. Please don't abandon
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