Reviews for Love Potion #9: Neville Longbottom Strikes Again
rebecca smith chapter 1 . 7/30/2014
Why couldnt snape take advantage of the situati
mudpuddledemon chapter 1 . 9/4/2012
Hahaha, a little much but very funny. I love image of him towing them all down to Dumbledore's office.
sjrodgers23 chapter 1 . 2/20/2012
loved it thank you
AEDReaper chapter 1 . 11/28/2011
Five stars, two thumbs up, and overall perfect.
huehuehuehhuehuheuh chapter 1 . 11/28/2010
I realize that this is old, old, OLD (well, relative to fanfiction), but this is legitimately one of the funniest fanfics I've ever read. For some reason, even though they're getting naughty, Ron and Hermione still manage to strike me as adorable. I love that a lot of characters get a mention or a little scene, and although it involves a lot of random happenings and very un-HP-like events, I think it's wonderful. Bravo!
The Rook Thief chapter 1 . 9/7/2010
BRAVO! That was undoubtedly the absolute BEST Harry Potter parody I have EVER had the sincerest pleasure of reading! What a brilliant idea! This is comic gold, this is! You had me roaring with laughter from "you have a nose like a pelican" onward! I'd choose the scene with Fred and George explaining how they never had any inhibitions to start with and so were unaffected as my favorite, although the bit where Professor Snape enchants the bra to return to its owner and it gets all perky like a little dog was definitely a verrry close second.

Poor, POOR, Professor Snape. The nightmare of uninhibited teenagers. Good glory, that's terrifying. Hahaha.
melpomene94 chapter 1 . 6/15/2008
I totally died laughing.
Leaviel chapter 1 . 1/27/2008
oh dear Gandalf... _ ! that was GREAT! and, oh dear, I DO love the Weasley Twins! *glomps Fred*... that would be an interesting day at Hogwarts, indeed!
goodygurl chapter 1 . 12/7/2007
Rebakah chapter 1 . 11/25/2007
I could't stop laughing. It's hilarious! Where did you get such an idea from? I love when the crowd swarms Snape. I'm reading all your Harry Potter stories now and adding this one to my favorites.
Kiel88 chapter 1 . 7/15/2007
This is still one of the funniest fics I've ever read. Definitely a great light-hearted story for in-between the drama of book 6 & 7.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/23/2007
[quote]"Neville, your pot's smoking!" Ron gasped.[/quote] Neville is smoking pot?

[quote]"Oi, Snapey!" Theodore Obgobble shouted. "Wash your hair, you nosey git!" This inspired an enormous laugh from the rest of the class.

"Yes, thank you, Mr. Obgobble," Snape responded, annoyed. "To which I rejoinder, go get stuffed, you pubescent cockroach."[/quote] They should pair up and do a comedy act!

[quote]Tiny Professor Flitwick was sitting on the professors' table at the front of the room, trying to levitate the skirts of Professors Sprout and Vector, who were dancing in very unladylike fashion on the Gryffindor table.[/quote] Oh my God! *falls of chair with hysterical laughter*

[quote]"Would that sexy Cornelius Fudge be doing any of the swooping?" she purred.[/quote] Ew! Trelawney has NO taste!

[quote]Snape glared at them. "Go to the Great Hall."

"Aw, but we're having such fun here, Professor," Tallyhoo said with a grin.

Severus had been doing this long enough - an hour and a half, by his count - to know what to say in this situation. "They have pizza" Some muggle combination the students were fond of.[/quote] Hey, that would get ME moving!

[quote] - and at least one young woman offered to sit on my face. She said my nose gave her "happy shivers."[/quote] Oh, BAD mental images!

[quote]I have decided, at the soonest possible instance, to pour that particular memory into a Pensieve and toss it out a window." He crossed his arms menacingly.[/quote] Amen, Professor! Amen!

[quote]Snape looked up sharply at the familiar voice, and was just in time to see a very naked Minerva McGonagall streak across the corridor ahead of him before disappearing down a perpendicular hall. Before he had time to absorb, digest, and vomit up that image...[/quote] Hah! He should appreciate his good fortune! We all know Minerva is magnificent! And, Aw, You're a HMS Silver Felines shipper!

[quote]"Yes, shut up!" Snape snapped angrily. "Why aren't you two gadding about like a couple of lecherous hounds, hmm? I'd think you'd be the worst of the lot, if your inhibitions were lowered."

"Is THAT what it is?" Fred chimed in. "Well, there's your answer then, Professor!"

"We never had any inhibitions to start with!" George explained with a grin.[/quote] Ah, the truth comes out! ;-)

[quote]"Look, everyone!" a girl's voice carried across the field. "Neville's an acrobat!"[/quote]

Shows what he can do when he's not nervous! Maybe Snape should remember this and back off a bit in class. Oh, who am I kidding, that's never going to happen!

[quote]Snape groaned. Love Potion #9 was bad enough as a mist, but when taken in it's liquid form, it was even worse. Not only did it lower inhibitions, it took them away completely. While the mist would only take people so far, it would never convince them to do anything they wouldn't do normally.[/quote] I dunno, it seems to me that a lot of people are doing things they wouldn't do normally...

[quote] If someone didn't want to have sex, they wouldn't. If someone didn't want to dance on tables, they wouldn't.[/quote] Okay, what you meant was it wouldn't make them do anything that didn't - at some level - want to do. But, then,... this means that, at some level, Hermione WANTS to lick Snape from toes to chin?

[quote]"That's it," he said wearily. "Someone call for Madame Pomfrey. I'm off."

And he blissfully fainted dead away.[/quote] Probably the most sensible thing to do in the circumstances.

After having lost track of this fic for far too long, I've found it again! (You'd noticed, hadn't you?) and can go back to reccing it to anyone who wants a good laugh! :-D
fallendeatheater chapter 1 . 8/26/2006
I am reading this fic for the 8th time, I love it!
yvva18 chapter 1 . 7/23/2006
that was way way funny!

love it!
cuteandklutzy chapter 1 . 7/20/2006
TMI... ;) funny!
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