Reviews for Fun
esompthin chapter 3 . 3/31/2014
I love this story. I got to thinking after reading this, what if the reason why Marshall seemed mad while carrying Gumball home is because while they were sitting watching the fireflies, Marshall confessed his love to Gumball. But Gumball didn't reply, so he got scared. And Marshall finally realized that Gumball was asleep and he missed the whole confession? That'd be adorable.
Anyway, brilliant job on the story!
sylver rain chapter 3 . 5/24/2013
That was sweet!
ilovemijumaru chapter 3 . 5/6/2013
xyourrainx chapter 3 . 4/22/2013
This was really cute. I like you style.
migaDbr chapter 3 . 3/30/2013
I can hardly believe this will be the first review you get on your first fic since you completed it.
Because it was awesome.

You perfectly know I'm not into shounen-ai (nor open to new stuff because EnYaga already consumes my soul completely), but I did actually find this really good despite everything! Once again, you showed the world how BEAUTIFUL your descriptions can be; the ones in this chapter were definitely my favourites.

I have found hardly any remarkable error or mistake (always taking into account that my English sucks and therefore I shouldn't judge others', haha;;), which might mean you have rechecked carefully what you wrote? Could that be it? If that's so, well done! If not, well, lucky you: managing to write something so good and flawless in one blow is pretty damn impressing! Whatever of those it might be, it's still laudable, so you shall be properly praised!

The story was certainly cute. The only thing I could complain about is the fact that, based on the AT I know (dubdubdub), adding such words as "gay" or "that's homosexual" does not fit the characters, especially Gumball, who is, technically, a very correct and polite prince. In terms both of us can understand, it's as unlikely as seeing Finn openly... starving for sex to the point of staying at home m- oh, wait, you are still underaged. Let's leave it like that, then. Anyway, and even if that was probably a rather obnoxious and extreme case, you do get what I mean, right? All right, that's what really matters.

Plus, let me be picky (Ialwaysambutlet'snottalkaboutthat, cough) and remark the point that just 3 dots in a row are enough. There is this tendency to think that the more dots you add, the more you "extend" the ***dramatic*** pause, but that's not really true; therefore, if you typed them with that purposal, take it into account the next time. I bet you could even see that in actual books and such, but... not even those are trustworthy nowadays. (My Art teacher does that a lot, for example. It feels like her finger has gotten stuck to the key, HAHAHA. Bless her.)

It's only been three chapters long, but I can already feel how you improved since you started writing! Keep this amazing work up and be sure to tell me whenever you decide to write something new; I'll be waiting! (And once you become famous, I'll brag all around the place because I knew you before anyone else did, hohoho You owe me a signed book now.)

Very nice work, Rae-kouhai! D
anon chapter 2 . 1/3/2013
OMG write more now!PLEASE!
Guest chapter 2 . 12/9/2012
That was so cute 3
PhanOfAlesana chapter 2 . 11/7/2012
Bleehhhhh soo cute! Please continue asdfghjkl I need FLUFF .
migaDbr chapter 2 . 9/7/2012
Hello, my kanpeki Rae-kouhai

Sorry I took so long to read this; I have been slightly out of mood lately and I didn't really feel like reading, writing or doing pretty much anything, truth be told. And when I finally put together some will to write... I couldn't. I was totally blocked. So I decided to read my beloved Rae's fic, hoping it would inspire me a bit.

What can I say? The story seems pretty interesting so far! I especially like your descriptions; I usually forget to describe the place where the action happens or even mention where the characters are, so I really am glad you don't make the same mistake (smart kouhai). I believe you have a pretty neat thesaurus; while reading this, I didn't think even once you were being repetitive at all, nor with words nor when it comes to the story itself. Just let me give you a very little advice: recheck what you write. That needs no inspiration at all (and I swear I know what I'm talking about; just like you, I can only write during the night, but I often recheck what I've written the day after, when my mind has already rested and can think a little better)!

OTL, I shouldn't write this much. So, to sum up, very well done! Keep the good work up and remember to recheck; you will ALWAYS find something that could be enhaced.
Akemi713 chapter 2 . 8/27/2012
"Please just take me away..."
"I'll take you someplace beautiful."
Dear jello, I swooned and almost fell off my chair! X3
Please update soon
theartofnotreading chapter 1 . 8/18/2012
He should be grateful that Marshall was there. If it wasn't for him, he'd been having the most boring day ever. And please continue the story. Its kinda nice.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/17/2012
This is real good! you should continue!
migaDbr chapter 1 . 8/8/2012
Interesting, indeed. The story seems quite good by now! You portrait both characters fairly well and it is greatly written, as expected from you. :3c You know about my likes and dislikes when it comes to relationships between boys, but I will undoubtedly read this until its very end. Keep the good work up, Rae! D
Akemi713 chapter 1 . 8/3/2012
Lol don't open your curtains children, there may be a vampire king out there!
Really liked this, it was engaging and written pretty well. I would like to see just a bit more detail to slow things down a bit.
Please update soon, I'd like to read more and find out what Marshall has in store for our dear Prince :3