Reviews for KyON!
Spooths chapter 6 . 3/10/2019
Kyon you better stay away from Mio. You lready have your own ship and Mio is gay.
Spooths chapter 4 . 3/10/2019
If this disturbs the saved ship of Mio/Ritsu I'm going to eat a horse. Also, why are they calling basses guitars. I mean, I know they're technically bass-guitars (like how cellos are violin-cellos), but it's far easier to just call it a bass.
Spooths chapter 3 . 3/10/2019
Haruhi trolling is next level. Well, not quite as high as Mai from Nichijou, but it's up there. Oh God I want a Nichijou x Haruhi xover. Mai needs to be in on this. Her trolling level is so high that she could easily outfox god.
Spooths chapter 2 . 3/10/2019
Yo that's definitely cheating.
Spooths chapter 1 . 3/10/2019
I'm not really sure why this exists; actually never mind, I do. It's because all of KyoAnis shows take place in the same universe. But this is going to be wild. But HTT is the best band and whatever the SOS Brigade does can't possibly be better. Although I can't wait to see Sawa-chan and Haruhi torturing Mikuru and Mop together.
Bestogoddess chapter 1 . 3/19/2018
I have a strong feeling I'm going to love this story
rabidporcupine80 chapter 55 . 6/6/2016
This was a really good story. Your snark is strong enough to almost completely overshadow anything I could do.
Ir0nM41den18 chapter 55 . 10/20/2015
After now finally being done reading your story I can only say I'm amazed... Honestly I'm at aloss for words just how amazed I am.
Simply put: This is by very far the best FanFiction I ever had the pleasure of reading. It did have its questionable moments, but that's exactly what makes rading this like watching an actual canon cross-over movie between these two shows. If such a canon cross-over should ever come to pass I'm certain THIS would be it.
Again all I can say is: Amazing job! I'm gonna look into any other stories you might have on this site, because after this I'm absolutely convinced of your writing skills.
Best regards, a (now) fan :)
Ir0nM41den18 chapter 6 . 10/15/2015
I'm really impressed with this story so far. Not only is it interesting (especially for someone who like me watched both shows), but it's the best written story I've ever read on this website so far. Seriously, props to you author ;)
I'll definetly keep on reading :)
roughstar333 chapter 55 . 2/3/2015
. . . wait is that it? Wow that was a good story here dude. Anyway, I hope you continue writing stories.
MuRioDame chapter 55 . 9/13/2014
Thanks for the story! Though I wished I said these sentences months earlier, but it can't be helped! Since it's been a while since I've finished reading...

Anyway, Thanks!
Thrashochist chapter 55 . 8/6/2014
You are right to be proud of this story, in fact I'd even understand if you were acting like an arrogant ass about it, like: "YEAH! I wrote that! Suck it!"

It was a treat to read. And despite it being well written, you've written remarkably fast (if you compare to most fanfics, that is. Eg: mine) 55 chapters in 2 years is one hell of an achievement.

I think the only criticism I have of the story is that I feel that Sawa-chan was barely in it! As soon as she gets referenced in this last chapter, that just hit me like a ton of bricks.

I eagerly await what you do next as a writer!
otakuforlife2 chapter 55 . 8/3/2014
Kudos, truly a great read all the way through...I look forward to reading some more of your fanfiction and hope to possibly see a short one off story of the HTT girls in the SOS Brigade as I think that would make a funny short story on its own :)
SeijuroRen chapter 55 . 8/3/2014
One of my favorite stories on this site. Thank you for all of your hard work. You actually got me interested enough to get the k-on dvds.
The Waiting Dark chapter 55 . 8/3/2014
You know, everytime a story i read finishes the author always gives his/her thanks to the reader but instead this time it should be the reader that give the much needed thank to the author. So thank you very much for this story.
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