Reviews for Keeping the Stars Apart
Guest chapter 2 . 6/9/2018
remember in the first book when fitz said she wasn't scared of him? sigh, good times.
XmissbananaX chapter 27 . 7/25/2016
ahhhhhhh noo this was so good, I am in love with the starlight series. The characters, the story and how much Fitz talks to herself it's perfect.
Annienygma chapter 26 . 4/7/2016
Great story!
Annienygma chapter 25 . 4/7/2016
OMFG! Priceless!
FoolOfHearts21 chapter 15 . 1/16/2016
Overall, I really enjoy this fluffy little story more than most I've read so far. I hope to see more of it soon.

On another note, I can offer help if you're feeling a bit lost on certain carnal parts.
Heather Snow chapter 26 . 4/3/2015
Thanks for keeping Chapter 18.5 separate. I ended up skipping past some parts as is.

The story with Gallifrey got a bit confusing for me, just more in-depth than I was interested in and I didn't care about the new OCs. I think your writing was good, just not my personal cup of tea. Still love how you're handling the main characters; you're great at characterization and dialogue, which are two biggies for me.
thecatclouder chapter 12 . 12/7/2014
Great chapter. Fitz in this one is both hilarious and actually useful to them, which is a rare thing for her. I loved the part where she accidentally fell down the staircase, then tried to pretend with the Professor that she hadn't. She still has her complete and undying sympathy, what with her (sarcastically) thinking about leaving the Doctor and her thoughts on Ailla. Didn't Fitz have the drums, to a certain extent, in your first story? Well, that would still be her usual level of sympathy.

I don't think I actually commented on your last story. This story and the last one both have interesting plots, and in the points where there is no real plot it doesn't seem to drag on as Fitz's internal monologue is simply hilarious. She's just such a disaster magnet. I think I am finally used to the Master being the Professor, and not likening him a certain extent to the Professor (Farnsworth) in Futurama.
The Yoshinator chapter 27 . 9/12/2014
Otaku-neku chapter 27 . 9/12/2014
YES! I was thinking about this series a few days ago wondering if it would actually get a sequel. It's the best MasterxOC fanfiction around at least I think so. I might even reread the series again (again) for the third! But then I would have to wait to read Supernova so maybe not.

Well see you on the flip side! Wait a minute...why a helicopter...?
Son of Whitebeard chapter 27 . 9/12/2014
character packed preview
Son of Whitebeard chapter 20 . 9/12/2014
ooh the Master's old girlfriend/wife and the matrix
d0ct0rwh0l0ckf4n chapter 26 . 8/23/2014
B- but he never remembered D:

It was a really good story though. I loved it. But h-he has to remember her!
Spritefyre chapter 26 . 8/19/2014
Oh my lord, this is amazing. I dont normally go for the whole master is recuperated thing so much, but not I will, you have changed me. And your writing style is amazing and so much fun! I love how you write and everything else! You have an amazing sense of humor.
izzyclaire chapter 26 . 6/11/2014
Eeeekk! I love this whole series thingy! I'm all smiling over here haha :) You are absolutely awesome, and yeah the story's amazing and I'm sad its over. But I'll probably reread it a million times. My favorite fanfic ever :)
izzyclaire chapter 19 . 6/11/2014
So I read the other 18.5 and then I read the version on this story... And I had no idea where you were going with the whole princess thing, but I wholeheartedly agree that SPIDERS ARE VERY BAD. I love your story, its absolutely hilarious and overall wonderful!
Izzy xx
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