Reviews for Crossing Bridges
THEBATMANIMPOSTER chapter 1 . 4/8/2013
SHA260 chapter 1 . 8/15/2012
Hey babe, maybe I should let you know I've been reliably informed that I make good coffee and I'll make some for you anytime. Though with the amount of coffee Tony drinks he's probably better at it, but you might be better off with Jarvis...

Hulk is not a monster, no matter what people may think of him, even if he did once break Harlem. People always judge what they don't understand, and what is different from the norm, from what they are used to. Sometimes the hardest part of everything is the little reminders people leave that feel like a knife to the heart when you're not looking. And sometimes it's the truths people reveal after the fact that feel like a blow to the gut. It's always hard when life forces you to find out who your real friends are, but at least once you have them, they don't leave. And I am so glad these two found each other, that they trust each other. They fit so well together, and I'm so glad for them.

I love you x