Reviews for unlearn the ways of your mad, glass world
hisgirltuesday chapter 1 . 10/5/2014
Okay I can't even begin to say how beautiful and poignant and so freaking lovely this fic is o k there is no words I'm not even kidding. The not-in-order effect made it even more beautiful does that even make sense bc my brain is mush and in full feels mode but lemme tell you everything flowed wonderfully and oh my god the last scene and few sentences "Sif feels she will probably never like him. He makes her ribs itch" and then I look back at the whole entire fic and bam my shipper heart.
KatsuomiMashiRo chapter 1 . 5/10/2014
I don't know why I just want to cry at the end of this story. The bitterness, the relief, and the hope for the new beginning is just so overwhelming.

Thank you for this beautiful story.
Quantumphysica chapter 1 . 1/5/2013
Interesting... Very in character I must say... Which isn't easy when writing Sif and Loki, but you managed!
Loved the story!
Miravisu chapter 1 . 12/18/2012
Delightful prose, going back and forth.. leaving so much to be read through the lines and more. It made for a very dynamic picture of their relationship, and a very intriguing one at that.
southern cross chapter 1 . 11/22/2012
Gorgeous. I didn't want it to end. Redemption fic is tricky but this was artfully done.
Imaginarian chapter 1 . 10/18/2012
The way you write is pure poetry. That's all.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/5/2012
You know what makes MY ribs itch? This story. This beautiful, heartbreakingly amazing story. I'm seriously in awe. I wish I could write this fucking good. Kudos to you.
wbss21 chapter 1 . 9/24/2012
This is an extraordinarily well written piece of work. Wow, I'm just totally blown away, and for the life of me, I can't understand why you don't have more reviews for it. You most definitely should.

The way you craft words is just exceptionally elegant, almost like poetry, and I found myself sucked into the story from the very first line, all the way through to the end.

And then, just the way you convey the emotions of the characters, with such grand subtlety and accuracy, is just breathtaking. You show the reader, rather than tell them. And your imagery was just superb, so evocative and captivating. I could literally see each scene playing out before me like some movie reel. Really well done.

But really, what makes this piece shine so greatly is how it's such an extraordinary character study, both of Loki and Sif, and how you take each of them through a real character arc.

Sif's initial attempts to be against Loki, to really almost hate him, and dismiss him, as the rest of Asgard has done, to look upon him as a monster, but how, throughout the story, she finds that attempt on her part more and more futile. She can't forget what she knew Loki to be, and so she can't quite give up on him either. And it's truly just beautifully captured here, that struggle she has with him. Up until the end, and her ultimate acceptance of her feelings for him, and of him. It's just incredibly poignant and heartfelt without being mawkish or sappy in the least. The parts throughout where Sif is actually being cruel to him, saying horribly cruel things to him, really makes your heart ache, because you know, deep down, she doesn't mean them, but her own confusion and the rage which comes from that is causing it. And also because the reader comes to realize as the story progresses just how much her words are actually really affecting Loki.

And your progression of Loki is this story is just astounding. How, from the beginning, he's absolutely defiant and trying so hard to detach himself from all of it. Trying to keep up, as he says himself, this facade of apathy. But as a reader, you get the very real sense that it's never quite real, that Loki still feels so very much, and so acutely. Where it becomes obvious of course is during the battle where he saves Sif, and ends up with a nose bleed from his efforts. This whole scene is really heavy and filled with a kind of sadness, because it seems like Loki is PLAYING the villain, so to speak. Because that's what everyone expects from him, and how they perceive him. They perceive him to be a coward and a cheat and a terrible being, but, and this is something that Tom Hiddelston does with Loki that is just so brilliant and which you captured so well in your portrayal of him here, it's an ill-fitting role on him. He never seems comfortable or easy in acting like he doesn't care, or doesn't feel anything. Because the reality is, Loki probably cares and feels more deeply than anyone. He's incredibly sensitive. And that's something that comes through just exceptionally well in this piece.

Probably my favorite scene in the whole thing is after Loki comes back from disappearing and seeks out Sif on the training grounds. That whole exchange is just so beautiful, and so heartbreaking at the same time. Again, you have Sif being cruel to Loki, though almost unintentionally, by having her make reference to him possibly being a threat to her, or trying to hurt her in some way. And Loki's next line I just thought was so poignant and brilliant and heartwrenching. When he says: "I would tell you I feel sorrow if I thought you'd spend even a half-second believing me." That's just such a powerful line, and finally reveals the depth of Loki's desperation and longing, I think. And again, his character progression, as he's letting that truth about himself finally reveal itself, until we come to the climax, when Loki at last stands side by side with Thor, fighting with him.

I also just loved the scene in the library, when Sif sort of forces herself on Loki, and here again, we see Loki's damaged soul in how he responds. He's so used to being used, really, and he can only in that moment see Sif's advancements as her using him and I guess in a way taking advantage of his vulnerability. His line "No. I will not be a bargain for a beggar." You can literally just hear the desperation and despondency in his voice, the way you describe it. It's really heartbreaking.

I assume when he comes back from Svartálfaheim, that they didn't accept him there and attacked him? Or maybe even tortured him? What's sad about this, in context, is that when Loki disappeared, everyone in Asgard assumed it was because he was planning on somehow hurting all of them, or planning something terrible, and yet when he returns beaten all to hell and ragged, no one except Sif questions why, or considers what his actual intention was, which was to find a way to repair the bifrost. It's a testament to the tragedy of Loki, that no one besides Thor and Sif believes him capable of anything good, to the point they won't even give him that consideration. That what good he does do is fated to always be overlooked and dismissed and left unacknowledged.

Seriously, this was just such a brilliant piece of writing, and I sincerely hope that you'll be writing more within this universe, and about Loki and Sif and Thor. You've gained yourself a loyal reader in me, and thank you so much for sharing!
MorbidDramaMaker chapter 1 . 9/6/2012
Very, very lovely. I hope to read more soon! Love the pairing, very nice take on them. Elegant prose.
The Lady Beatrice chapter 1 . 8/30/2012
This is one of the few Loki/Sif pairings that I have thoroughly enjoyed. It is probably my favorite pairing to read in this category - Loki needs all the love he can get! - but not too many have done it on a level anywhere near as successfully as you. I loved it! Keep up the good work!
Little-miss-laughs-alot chapter 1 . 8/23/2012
This Is REALLY good! Thanks so much for writing it!
LunaEpiskey chapter 1 . 8/16/2012
I don't think I can express how mush I love your story! It's beautiful and very well written! One of my favorite Sif/Loki Fanfictions.
Maxwell89 chapter 1 . 8/16/2012
I felt the fic was true to Sif's character and I do feel she would fight her own desires. She is a warrior and has set a standard for herself. I think these two should get together in the movies, because they balance each other out. Nice fanfiction , I'm so glad you added the Avengers to felt like I was getting a sneak preview of the sequel!
Lady Charity chapter 1 . 8/15/2012
Holy cow. This is beautiful, absolutely beautiful. Your prose is stunning. I loved every word of this story.
"She finds she wants to touch it: his laugh; she wants to cup it in her palm and see if it feels as fragile as it sounds."
That was my favorite line. It just...oh my. That was really great to read. I applaud you; this was a gorgeous read. Your portrayal of the characters, the way you spun your words...everything was beautiful.