Reviews for The Final Frontier
Guest chapter 2 . 10/5/2014
I love the plot you're going on! It's interesting and I love your writing, I know you haven't updated in 2 years but please update!
Killavix chapter 1 . 1/27/2014
This was such a good story. Just found it bounding around through old Avengers fics. I really wish there was more to it but sometimes people lose interest or things come up. Still, I thought you should know this was a great thing that you've done here.

Cheers love! :)
lollyg17 chapter 2 . 10/29/2012
Wow this is amazing, keep it up!
Athina Dark-Angel of Death chapter 2 . 10/7/2012
When Tony asks for help be terrified.
MusesatMidnight chapter 2 . 8/29/2012

This is interesting! Keep up the great work although maybe you could have Tony explain his science talk a bit more for the lesser mortals, like myself and Steve? ;)
Hope you update soon!
Lieutenant Tazer chapter 2 . 8/28/2012
I swear engineer's were meant to write Avengers fics cause your science knowledge adds SOOOOOOOO much to the story line and it makes sense to me (having a chemistry undergrad). I love you for that, just so you know. And I freaking LOVE this story line! Tony's losing his marbles and I want to know who's in his head! Please don't say Loki though, because I might be poorly let down if you have it be Loki messing around... Loki drama is so over done at this point, it's getting annoying from others fics. But your's is so fresh I'm hoping you stay with the originality. :) SO MUCH LOVE! Update when you can! :)
MarveyTibbsMcGarrettWilliams chapter 2 . 8/26/2012
i love how dependable steve is
Fangfan1 chapter 2 . 8/26/2012
Just loving this story so far! It's amazing! Poor tony having these odd hauliusinations. Can't spell. And he's so messed up but I love it and the whole team with Steve caring! Even JARVIS.
I am hooked. Update when you can!
Lieutenant Tazer chapter 1 . 8/18/2012
I was wondering if you were an engineering student because your attention to detail is absolutely amazing. I really hope you update cause this is really, really good :)
MonokromeSpektrum chapter 1 . 8/16/2012
Assdfdsssaff your engineering background made this so much fun to read. I could tell you knew what you were writing, instead of just typing bullshit fancy words that sound sciency. Many other rice tend to jumble up the mechanical/science parts (mostly bc they just don't know much, but tu can't blame em), so seeing the protocols and details made for quite a refreshing read. I can't way to see where you take this! Instafav! :)