Reviews for Sorry for Being a Closet Otaku!
Sabaku no Rin chapter 20 . 10/25/2016
I REALLY LOVE THIS STORYYYY. I was 14 when I read this fanfic for the first time, now I'm 17 and I still love this. Still caught uo with your plot and still waiting for your next update though now, I highly doubt it haha. BUT HEY I'LL BE OPTIMISTIC AND SAY, AUTHOR SAMAAA PLEASE UPDATE SOON! ONEGAI SHIMASU!
Fullbuster4Ever chapter 20 . 12/16/2014
Ahhhhh I LOVE this series! I think this is one of my favorite chapters of this story and this STORY is one of my FAVORITES!
This is my first time reading a Vocaloid fanfic, and thanks to you, I'm definetly considering getting into it.

I'll admit at first I liked KaitoxGumi, but Len grew on me. Kaito is still my favorite character in this series though.

I can't wait to find out what's going to happen to Gu mi when Len finds out, it'll be so sad! Please write more chapters! I know how hard it can be to post just one chapter, either cuz you're too busy or too lazy (me).

Anyways, this story is INCREDIBLE, you are a FANTABULOUS writer, and this story is AWESOMESAUCE!
Fullbuster4Ever (Grace)
Guest chapter 20 . 8/15/2014
Guest chapter 20 . 7/16/2014
Continue pleaseèeeeeeeee
Guest chapter 18 . 7/16/2014
I like GumixLen 3
name chapter 17 . 7/16/2014
I dont really like akaito _
Karin Igumia chapter 20 . 2/10/2014
OMG! *squeals* l love this sooo much! Please continue to write!
Nightmare's Dimension chapter 20 . 1/23/2014
Seriously...your story is awesome!I really love it! (sorry if my english is bad...)
Vocaloids Otaku chapter 20 . 1/13/2014

very humorous, I like it :)

Is there more coming?
Rin or chapter 20 . 11/18/2013
Wonderful job , soon I will read 'Us against the world' :3
Ilikeilikeilikeilikeilikeilikeilikeilikeilikeilike ilike Thisss!
By The Way , I Love All Characters -
Rin or chapter 19 . 11/18/2013
Im ... 10 :D soon 11 xD u didnt quess right :3
Satellizer123 chapter 20 . 10/22/2013
Hi! I just found your story and really enjoyed it I finished it in one period (don't tell my lecturer! Lol) The romance is sooo cute, I actually SQUEALED reading this! I don't like the idea that Kaito became the bad guy though, poor one-sided love...
Oh well, loved your story :) Please update soon!
lc3 chapter 20 . 10/16/2013
PFFFFFT- I seriously need to join their GumiLen club. XD PFFFFT. Len Len in a maid neko outfit! I need that picture NOW! *slapped*
In the labyrinth's core chapter 20 . 10/17/2013
Gosh, that was so funny and even a bit awkward... Keep it up! And I also hope Teto could get revenge at Neru...
In the labyrinth's core chapter 18 . 10/17/2013
LenxGumi all the way! LenxGumi all thw way!

Now for the chapter - it was a great chap.
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