Reviews for The Ends of Worlds
TheWriter946 chapter 12 . 1/24
Wonder what happens next...
silverheartlugia2000 chapter 12 . 7/29/2018
I’m glad this has gotten started up again even if my backlog of notifications has me reading this late.. but hey dem already has New Orleans background set up now, his story on his hearing aids would be pretty much the truth XD
Canderjack chapter 12 . 7/24/2018
Axel: Wait, what do you mean I'm on in ten? I finally joined a 4-man match in Counterstrike after waiting in the queue for ages! After you ignored me for months! I've been crashing in some chick's basement all this time, keeping some little rugrat entertained with Pokemon, and *now* I have to come in to work? I'm thinking of a popular phrase, ending in "...and the horse you rode in on."
Razell chapter 12 . 7/4/2018
It's hard to believe, but Demyx may actually be better off with Organization XIII than he was before... Child prostitution, homelessness, all of that. It's tragic. Poor Demyx. Poor everybody... Except the people running and using the 'Boy's Club'.

I'm glad to see you back again, and I enjoyed the chapter. A fiery train, you've peaked my interest... Mystery, tragedy, adventure... I love this story!

Welcome back!
kdm13 chapter 12 . 7/3/2018
Oh gosh! An update! I reset my password on this site just so I could comment. I just wanted to make sure you knew that I'm still reading and enjoying.

It's nice to see more of Demyx's past. Especially some of the good things.

Too bad about that train though.
Princess of Rose chapter 12 . 7/2/2018
Really solid chapter (like all of your chapters though). I thoroughly enjoyed the more meditative tone, and the way it's made clear just how consciously Demyx constructs his own identity. I hope you post a new chapter again soon. i miss this story.
Preemtive Karma chapter 12 . 7/2/2018
Thanks for the new chapter! It was interesting getting more of Edmys story. I hope Demyx didn't bring germs from the hospital to Earth because yikes
meladi1 chapter 12 . 7/2/2018
Ooh, it's nice to see you posting on this story again. What's it been? Months. Busy life, I know, but it's still nice. Lovely chapter, it's nice to know Demyx has some happier memories from his childhood
Phoenix Hoshika chapter 1 . 10/29/2017
This is a very interesting first chapter. The author does a fantastic job of establishing their own take on characters and laying out a solid foundation for the rest of the story, but there were some problems. The characters often weaved in and out of having omniscience and there is some awkward phrasing throughout. Although these problems can be easily overlooked they did distract from a very well told first chapter and I look forward to reading the rest of the story.
Guest chapter 11 . 4/13/2016
(from Shadow) * more Squeeee*!
Guest chapter 10 . 4/13/2016
(From Shadow) *squee*
Guest chapter 10 . 1/11/2016
Well worth the wait as ever! Love love love! (From Shadow... Who has forgotten her user name and password apparently)
meladi1 chapter 11 . 8/22/2015
This is great, can't wait for update. I still wonder why the locals didn't hurt Axel... xD
Razell chapter 11 . 6/9/2015
Demyx Khumar Ghatori... And he's a Hindu. That is an interesting take on the character. I kind of like it.

He makes an excellent companion, despite the potty mouth, he's loyal, brave and unwilling to give up. A lot of people portray Demyx as a coward or a fool, but he's neither. He doesn't want to die, of course, but neither do most other people. Here he's a competent, brave, self-sacrificing guy pushing through incredible odds and adversity, most of it while totally deaf. He thinks quick on his feet, like with the explosion in the tunnel, and he was brave enough to run through a mob of murderous infected to get to the tanks and distribute the antidote.

I have to admit, I got angry at The Doctor several times, first when acted like Demyx had no right to exist when he came onto the TARDIS bleeding, half-dead in need of immediate help, then when he thought Demyx would just betray them like that, after all the help he'd given them. He deserved that slap and chewing out Demyx gave him.

I wonder why they wanted Axel but tried to kill Demyx, maybe they just have a thing for red hair and hate blonds?

The argument about the drug dealers was interesting, but there's one more thing you didn't mention, some dealers are addicts themselves, selling in exchange for drugs.

Apparently they've met before, I thought this was the first Demyx and The Doctor story, so I must be reading out of order. But it's great as a stand-alone itself.
Canderjack chapter 11 . 5/12/2015
What I'm wondering is, what's the attraction for Demyx to return to Organization(insert_number_here)? I'm sure he'll want to go back and save Axel's skinny Irish butt because Demyx is a stand-up kinda guy, but why would he want to go back to his job? Why *should* he want to go back, when being with the Doctor is doing so much more for his mental state? (Assuming a lack of further missions to save the universe which is a mighty big assumption I realize.)
-Deep Thoughts, by CJ
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