Reviews for A Stranger in your own Body
Bjv chapter 13 . 8/4
Wish there was more to read hope you're still writing can't wait to read your next installment
toile grant chapter 13 . 5/6
Qarz chapter 3 . 4/8
So they make a life altering decision for a 7 year old child based on a little bit of observation and two questions to which one gets a non verbal answer? Disgusting.
Terexin chapter 13 . 4/2
I'm very much enjoying the story so far! A few errors here and there, but still miles ahead of most of what's posted on the site. Aside from that, everything so far feels fairly natural, as much as a change this big from canon Harry can be. The story is engaging, and I can't wait to see where it goes from here! Honestly my only real gripe outside the few grammar/spelling errors is that I've just never seen 'Coline' or 'Gael' spelled that way before. To me personally, it just feels like spelling 'Colleen Gail' different for the sake of being different (and Gael is short for Gaelic, i.e. 'a Gael is a Scottish Highlander,' normally as well). Your story, your choices, but I wanted to throw that out there.
Bediz chapter 12 . 4/1
When did Coline become a vegetarian- between the time she finished her chicken sandwich aboard the Express and the start of the term feast? While there may have been a lot of time between the two chapters, it was only a handful of hours -if that- between these two scenes. You may want to re-read the previous chapters to not make the story incoherent.
smokeapound chapter 1 . 3/30
it's always fun when people put their sick delusions of normality into fanfiction. funny thing is Harry Potter would probably end up getting transferred to a mind healer to get rid of this left this b
Guest chapter 1 . 3/30
Pure far left extremist agitprop
RankoFan chapter 13 . 3/30
Well, that was fun. Nice continuation. :)

Now, a few things stood out while I was reading this chapter. First of all, not to be too critical, but you may want to go through the chapter again. I noticed several spelling mistakes. There were also missing words in some cases and duplicate words in others. Not huge deals, but something I'd thought I'd bring to your attention.

Draco, as usual is his ever loathsome self but I found it interesting he punched Coline in retaliation. That is decidedly un-Draco like behavior. Usually he just cries/whines and says, "Just wait until my father hears about this!" I found it refreshing actually, even if it led to our favorite girl getting hurt.

Snape, gods if anyone needs to be castrated, it's him and his disgusting behavior. I applaud Coline's tirade against the man's injustice. I especially liked the part where he stopped seeing his so-called hated nemesis, James, and saw his creepy obsession Lily. I've always loved it in femHarry stories when Snape gets shamed by his past.

At this point, I'm think Coline would be seriously considering transferring to Beauxbatons, though Hermione's friendship and Dumbledore's 'acceptance' (whether real or a product of manipulation remains to be seen) may stay her hand.

Anyways, I look forward to the continuation,

Guest chapter 1 . 3/30
Poorly written drivel
Yaw6113 chapter 13 . 3/30
Please write the next chapter already. Thank you very much. I really appreciated it and liked it a lot.
Sakura Lisel chapter 13 . 3/30
Wait what does Snape mean by 'out of uniform', seeing how she IS in her school uniform that Dumbledore is allowing her to wear?
Artekha chapter 12 . 3/2
Wow angst, not overdone though and expected.
musme chapter 12 . 2/25
I like it
Werefoxz chapter 12 . 2/2
Re-write so far is quite good! Can’t wait for chapter 12.

Also, you misspelled ‘friends’ near the end of the 7th paragraph in chapter 11. )
Sea.Catalia chapter 3 . 2/1
Harry is adorable...
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