Reviews for Keeping secrets
fogetaboutit chapter 3 . 1/18/2016
I really wish that you would finish this! please!
Jen chapter 3 . 8/11/2014
That was awesome! Good job!
Roza-Dimka-Reader chapter 3 . 9/5/2012
I don't think you should discontinue it !
Tatiana belikova has some pretty Brillant ideas that she put in her review! :D
Loved the lemony goodness in this chap :P
Miss T writing chapter 3 . 9/5/2012
dont discontinue...
Doctor Rose Belikova chapter 3 . 9/5/2012
Please, please don't discontinue it! The next morning you could have them wake up together and be all lovey dovey, but she still has to go to practice, for appearances only, since she's still sore. They could just do some light exercising, stretches and stuff kissing occasionally. Once school starts, Rose could still be slightly tender and winces a time or two, nothing really noticeable. But her head would be in the clouds, all happy and goofy-grinning. Adrian could notice the change in both of them and find out, then tease her none stop, but not tell anyone. Lissa could notice the change, and wonder about it, but just as Rose is about to tell Lissa, she senses someone nearby and realizes how easily she could be overheard and then kicked out of school and Dimitri fired, so she could come up with some excuse about being happy because Dimitri gave her a test on all she had learned so far and she passed, then pinned him while they were fighting. Rose and Dimitri could hang out in secret, him sneaking into her room, and her into his. Then, after about a week, Dimitri could take her on an actual date in Missoula, claiming it to be a 'training session in which he could teacher her how to protect her Moroi among humans.' They could go on a date, have fun, then stay in a hotel room (; and then go back the next morning. Then, the gang could have another game night, but Dimitri finds them again since they're in Rose's room this time, and he was going to see her. He could be dragged into the game and they could play something like pick-up lines, or something, and Rose and Dimitri could be flirting and Lissa gets suspicious, but then decides it's just Rose being Rose. Then, Tasha could visit and give him the offer, and Lissa could miss read the signs and think Dimitri is interested in Tasha, and try to set them up. Then, she could try to set up Adrian and Rose, and suggest they all go out on a group date. They could go to the movies and Rose and Dimitri sit next to each other, completely ignoring their respective 'dates.' It could be a really scary movie and when Rose gets scared she cowers into Dimitri. Lissa could continue trying to set them up with different people, and Tasha could really think Dimitri is interested in her and kisses him. Rose sees it all, including the fact that TASHA kissed HIM and not the other way around and freak out, taking too much darkness, like with Jesse. Dimitri gets her out, and later blames it on the darkness. Then, one day while Rose and Dimitri are together in her room, making out with Dimitri on top and his hands wandering, Christian can walk in and get the wrong idea, thinking Dimitri was forcing her. He could turn Dimitri in for it, and Dimitri is taken into the cells at the school. It's kept on the down low because he is a respected guardian and they didn't want anyone asking Rose awkward questions. Christian becomes the gentle, protective big brother, trying to take care of her and keeping Lissa in the dark until Rose was ready to talk about it. Rose yells at him, telling him the truth. She could visit his cell and tell him it would be alright and she would tell them that it was a one time thing, a total accident; he was under compulsion, that it was all a joke Adrian came up with because he thought Rose need to get some. She could claim that Adrian had compelled her too, but it was only to kiss, they weren't going to go any farther. Adrian could testify, and say that's what happened, that it had all been a misunderstanding and he would never let them have sex involuntarily. After Alberta hears this, she is relieved since she wouldn't be needing to fire anyone or expelling anyone and Dimitri is released, but someone saw something, and rumors about Rose being a whore start up again worse than before to the point that people are approaching her and touching her. Rose acts brave, but when she's with Dimitri she admits how much it hurts. While he is comforting her, they end up kissing and Lissa walks in on them and finds out the truth. She is shocked and angry and shuns Rose, causing everything to get even worse. Christian is still her friend, as are Adrian, Mason, and Eddie, but since Lissa turned her back, so did everyone but those four...okay, I'll stop now, lol. It's just an idea, but it would fit really well with this, with them keeping it secret and stuff. And I think that would be an epic way for Christian to find out the truth xD You don't have to use it (of course not) but if you need more ideas, I have a million in my mind, so if you want to pick my brain, go ahead. You can give me a vague idea about what you want, and I'll run away with it :D So, yeah...just one request? Please don't make this a Rose gets pregnant will totally ruin it! There's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy yy tooo many of them. So...anyway, you can message me at any time and I'll bet back to you as soon as I see it :D On a side note, I think this is the longest review I have ever written. Oh, and I really like this story :D I don't think I mentioned that...did I? Oh well, it's really good regardless :D
Olympic1340 chapter 2 . 8/25/2012
i just wanted to say how much I love this :)
facelesssilence chapter 2 . 8/25/2012
Update, update, update!
Roza-Dimka-Reader chapter 2 . 8/25/2012
It's ok that there hasn't been much fluff or lemons yet cos theyre still just discovering each other - if that makes sense :L
I'm glad dimitri is letting himself feel what he feels for rose :D
Snow-White-Queen-Amy chapter 2 . 8/25/2012
I loved it , add new chapter soon! :D
gryese chapter 2 . 8/25/2012
good part! soon add new chapter ! :P
karo chapter 1 . 8/24/2012
Super ! please soon chapter
Russian Lover chapter 1 . 8/24/2012
I like where it's going so far. Keep it up; I'll be back!
hannahawesomebrk chapter 1 . 8/23/2012
ur a liar there was no smutty smutt smuttXD lol finish the story your a good writerXD
DarkSunshine24 chapter 1 . 8/23/2012
I loved it! Ud soon