Reviews for Forget Me Not
Thyn chapter 6 . 10/18/2017
Excellent story.
Kalista77 chapter 6 . 10/17/2015
I love this ship, and yours is pretty much the only story that I can find with it. Ever. Anywhere. So if you still have the urge or that sequel, it would be much appreciated. Regardless, I really like this story; this is the second time I've read it through, and it is very well done. I've always enjoyed the idea of reincarnation. In any case, thanks so much for writing this. I was beginning to think I was literally the only person who likes them together.
DugFinn chapter 6 . 3/5/2015
Sweet story between Sorin and Jace. I really enjoyed it! There were some mishaps with spelling and particularly the switching back and forth from present tense to past tense and back, but overall, you did a great job on this fic. The multiverse certainly can do with more more Magic love. Keep up the great writing and good luck! :D
Whiteone chapter 6 . 12/10/2013
Huh, I can't believe this hasn't got more reviews, it's a wonderful and well written piece of fanfiction with quite rare and damn hot pairing. I really enjoyed reading this - especially Sorin's personality was lovely, you did very good job on portraying his character The world needs more Jace/Sorin!
Jessi Fanatic chapter 3 . 9/10/2012

Dear every reader that is part of Critics United,

You should all just get off this fanfiction site at once. You say that you are just criticizing and “enforcing” the rules, but it is actually bullying. is suppose to be a site where everyone can practice and improve their writing methods while receiving reviews that either praise or give constructive criticism. What Cricits United does is continually threaten authors until they finally leave or the site kicks them off. This is bullying, no matter what you guys say and it is causing a lot of people to give up on their hopes of becoming authors by sharing what they write with others.

Now, this is what I will do. If Critics United does not leave or change their ways to be a little more polite instead of continually reporting and annoying young authors, I will make sure your forum is taken down and all of you removed from this site. I really do not want to do this but there are so many people on here that tried commiting suicide or became depressed from what you say. This is not funny at all and should be taken seriously.

I will give you about a week to discuss this with your group and if I still see your group up and harassing other authors, do not be surprised if you find yourselves suspended or banned.

campbellbain chapter 2 . 8/31/2012
A brilliant work. Please, continue, it's really interesting! More Sorin/Jace :D