Reviews for All These Scars
Guest chapter 1 . 9/22/2016
No, not in a bad mood lol. To me this story was fairly light hearted... I'm totally not depressed or anything, I feel for him. It was good though, I can't believe you're not going to write more.
gameloverx chapter 1 . 5/16/2013
ok. O.O that was ... i don't even know what that was. I'll admit, i read even freakier stuff before, but this...THE ANGST!
Ghostkid33 chapter 1 . 9/15/2012
Ratchet needs some happiness after all the crap he's been through. I mean, when you think about what happened in the games his life hasn't been entirely peaceful. He grew up as an orphan and was forced to take care of himself, fought in wars and other blood-spilling battles, killed giant monsters and crazy aliens, and even destroyed killer robots. He also had a nice romance going on with Sasha (the female Cazar in UYA) and it's unknown whether or not they're still dating but it's likely that they probably DID break up because of their careers. Oh, and Qwark betrayed him a couple times not to mention in the Secret Agent Clank game how he was temporarily incarcerated after being framed and brainwashed by Klunk over a doomsday crime. So yeah, despite being a hero in the midst of it all he went through a LOT.

And then Clank is taken away in ToD. Poor guy...I can imagine Ratchet sinking into a depression stage when his only companion is ripped from his grasp. It's a miracle the Lombax still had his sanity.
XCourtneyXGearsX chapter 1 . 8/31/2012
It's so...sad.
I want a hug, and to give hugs.