Reviews for No Souls
Lmao chapter 1 . 5/25/2016
Sucks for Firestar.
Creek The Mischievous Spirit chapter 1 . 10/8/2015
As a ginger, I find this quite funny. Nice job!
Winter of the Shadows chapter 1 . 8/31/2015
Love this XD!
leafbreeze76 chapter 1 . 5/25/2015
Firestu. . . What a fitting nickname! *snicker snicker*
Silent Song of Stirring Storms chapter 1 . 5/14/2014
Lol! XD
HakaishinChampa chapter 1 . 11/14/2013
Gingers have no souls wait im one?
lol imma swallow firestars soul!
Guest chapter 1 . 9/23/2013
Very awesome story
Liberty chapter 1 . 5/16/2013
Best gingers don't have souls thingy-ma-bobber I ever read!
Castiel's Sidehoe chapter 1 . 3/11/2013
Hilarious! Firestar is such a stu! He has no soouuulll, haa haa. Bluestar's mean though... Scourge is funny as, and Tiggy still sucks.
Leopardsky chapter 1 . 12/13/2012
Firestu? I am seriously going to read the parody! And Leafpool has KITS? Crowfeather?
Monster the Vamelfaer chapter 1 . 10/20/2012
Ahahaha! Awesome, Coqui. XD I laughed every time Tigerstar called him Firesue. Gosh, you're so racist against gingers! o_o I kid, I kid.
thegirlwhowillwriteoneday chapter 1 . 10/8/2012
Oh Coqui! Made me crack up.
Flamefrost chapter 1 . 9/25/2012

I loved this though. Nice going. :3
Veni0Vidi0Vici chapter 1 . 9/10/2012
So I’m late to get to this. But that’s your fault for not telling me that you posted a new story right away . . . and my fault for clearing out my alerts and favorites, but actually mostly your fault because I like being a pain!

The thing I look for in a book-bashing type parody nowadays, is “did it bring something new to the table?” The last twenty parodies you could have read would have been all about how annoying and stupid Berrynose – or whoever the new butt of everyone’s jokes is – and they could all be correct in their points, but if they fail to bring up something new then I fail to laugh. And if I – a reader – fail to laugh then what’s the point of a parody?

First of all, you might have wanted to put a little author’s note about how it’s an internet joke and you don’t believe that gingers have no souls . . . unless you were trolling. If that’s the case, we need to run away together and adopt eight beautiful babies. Because you wrote a trollfic and that, Madame, makes you awesome!

[Ferncloud was not among those she-cats. In fact, she was having another litter of sixty kits under a bramble bush somewhere while everyone else was fighting for their lives.] Despite this not being anything new, I laughed. Oh how I laughed.

[The ThunderClan leader was about to laugh at how mouse-brained his enemy really was -killing him! The nerve! It'd never happen; he was Firestar the Stu- when the dark tabby lunged and tore through the ginger tom's throat.] Your hyphens used as dashes are murdering my eyes. ;/ Here, have an en dash: – and for an even more sexy look have an em dash: —.

["What's that supposed to mean?" he gazed at her with his deep green eyes.] I like how you’re constantly saying that his eyes are green . . . just like in most badly written fan fics. They love to talk about them eyes.

[God -I mean, StarClan-] I giggled.

["Or I just stole some other cat's soul, because yes, I'm /that/ evil. Whichever answer makes the most sense."] Slashes? I know it’s a parody, but italics are good grammar.

["Awesome! It was easier than I thought! See you in StarClan, Leafpool! Oh, wait... I guess not."] Okay so I might have laughed aloud there, but it doesn’t count.
["Sure," Tiggerstar replied, shrugging././"Bluestar!" Firestu cried. "I have a soul now! Can I get into StarClan now?"] Here. Did you forget to make it a line instead or?
[The ginger tom realized then that he'd rather have no soul. His life had been great, but his afterlife absolutely sucked.] Nice ending!

Okay. So I might have laughed. Once or twice. Not very much. I mean. ;/

Honestly, though, you did a very nice job on this! It was a pretty good parody all in all, not the kind that had me falling out of my seat laughing, but I did almost lose balance once or twice. You didn’t point out too many /new/ flaws in the story, but if this was your first shot at parody (I can’t remember) you did very well! Good job, Conks.
~Veni of LawlClan Critic Group
R41NBOW-RUMPUS chapter 1 . 9/8/2012
Hi! I'm so glad you've finally made a new Warriors story. Um, it's a good parody, and I like the idea (I have a friend who's ginger, and we always joke that she has no soul XD) but it might offend some people who ARE ginger. I think they'd prefer to think of themselves as having souls.

I noticed that in some parts the story seemed to drag on a bit, and there wasn't much description as I've read in some of your other fics like Newleaf and Greenleaf, but I suppose that's to be expected in a parody. Sorry if I've offended you or anything ;
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