Reviews for Seizing Distance
Jet Set Radio Yoyo chapter 1 . 6/1/2019
Feel a little bad for Yamato here. XD

On the flip side at least Kakashi and Naruto are together now and happy. Even if the way they got together is a little unique.

Anyway, great story I enjoyed it.
my 2 guys chapter 1 . 12/20/2016
that was good keep the chapters coming
Nocturnal-Silver-Wolf chapter 1 . 5/30/2013
Aww they're so cuteeee :)
I liked how Kakashi was all jealous and stuff
Bloodmoon-queen chapter 1 . 11/16/2012
beautyful, a very well writen and intresting fanfic.
babywolf-lover chapter 1 . 9/18/2012
Interesting story.
Funny and very cute ;)
KakaNaru is awesome and hot ;3
Anyways good job :D
kakashifan9 chapter 1 . 9/7/2012
It's great to see a KakaNaru fanfiction written for KakaNaru day! Hahahah, I found out about this dedicated day just yesterday. Lol, but of course, I jumped onto the bandwagon in less than two seconds.

Oh, the KakaNaru feelings! :3
Mai M N K chapter 1 . 9/7/2012
Gah! This was just so amazing! : ) I have got to say I love the mental image of Kakashi cutting grass with Raikiri. xD Sounds like it would be an awesome picture. Poor Naruto, but then yay because the guy was stopped before actually putting it in! Haha, Sai. xD I love him! I think I just discovered a new pairing to check out YamaNaru. : )

I just adore a possessive/jealous Kakashi! Makes stories so much better.
The KakaNaru part was absolutely yummy! *fans self* Sai, once again, amazing! The last part was just so cute! Sorry, if it doesn't make sense, I've been up since around 4am and it's now 2pm.

I don't think I could ever delete some scenes from my stories (which have yet to be put on the internet: in one of my notebooks). That must have been so hard for you and other writers as well. Don't worry about the paranoid thing, I always am! I'm going to go read the uncensored part now. : 3
goodbye19 chapter 1 . 9/7/2012 wasn't bad, but it...let's just say it could have been better. Maybe because the plot was too short and too rushed. I think you could have described Naruto's terror more, his thoughts- I mean he was about to get raped, and he was sexually assaulted!
Yeah, apart from the rushed I'll say "pseudo-plot" (this story wasnt like a typical PWP shot, because the beginning made me expect a bit more), it way okay. Maybe you should be more careful when you plan out the setting/plot of your story.
What I liked was that you really made Kakashi dominant and Naruto the hot little uke xD There are so many fics where Kakashi is portrayed as the nice, fluffy, gentle goodie-two-shoes- I like it when Kakashi shows off his rough side in intimate situations with Naruto xD Your lemon, at least the parts I've read here, were actually really okay.

I'll be writing a fic with that kind of Kakashi soon, maybe you will wanna check it out once I've uploaded it (it's a multichap) : )

Anyway, I hope you're not upset with my criticism, I meant it to be constructive!
Good luck with your future stories!