Reviews for Her Guardian
ArnoldxHelga167 chapter 1 . 1/12
I know this is probably very old, but I just found it and I really hope there is more to it, Helga getting help, Arnold being there for her through it all, Phoebe finding out and being there for her as well (also Phoebe and Gerald being as cute as they always are) Pleeeease.
Yali.Page chapter 1 . 8/15/2016
Great story! Thank you for sharing it with us!
Winteroses chapter 1 . 11/11/2013
This story was so amazing:)
ShapeshifterDemon65 chapter 1 . 9/30/2013
What an intense story 0-0 It was beautifully written and very sweet when Arnold came to help her at the end. They do make a fantastic pair.

It may sound strange, but the poem was one of my favorite parts of the story-perhaps its my dark, morbid side coming out but it was wonderful. Very sad considering why she wrote it though :(
HAFanForever chapter 1 . 2/26/2013
Man, if Helga growing up at nine was too fast enough, growing up more at sixteen has to be even harder for her, especially if Olga was finally married and living her own life. Heck, I even pictured her being married by the time Helga is a teenager.

I kind of wonder if if Helga's life would have been kind of like this at times in The Patakis, and I even wonder if there was a chance that Bob and Miriam would separate at one point. I think she'd definitely want to leave him, but she's trapped in her marriage because she's unemployed and afraid to stand up to him. And it still sounds Bob is definitely the worst of the Patakis because of his short temper and blowhard behavior. He shouldn't have to place so much blame on Helga, for anything! Poor Helga gets the short of the stick with responsibilities when she's done NOTHING wrong! If a kid's behavior starts at home, then it definitely counts for Helga! Her life is so rotten and she takes it out on other people because she just thinks she is going to see more bad in her life. And at school, all she can do is take it out on others, and everyone just thinks she's a bad person. No one really knows what Helga is like except for Phoebe, but Phoebe isn't around her too much right now. But Helga doesn't deserve all of this, and both Bob and Miriam should be blamed for not giving enough good attention that she needs and deserves.

I've never known anyone who did this, but I'm not surprised that you mention Helga cutting herself. Teen girls will do it when they can't handle the emotional pain they are in, and Helga is definitely one of those girls. It pains her to see what she is becoming, but at the same time, she just can't show her nice side to anyone now. Except one person...

I bet Arnold still only cares about Helga enough to notice her major change in behavior since they were kids. And that's a great poem you came up with, not just for the rhyming, but you also express Helga's emotions in it very well. And I know that from reading it, Arnold realizes that something is really bothering Helga. It's probably not a great idea for him to go into her house without permission, which is why she is mortified, but I really don't know who is more horrified after he opens the door and sees her cutting her arm!

She's lucky to have him in her life, because he genuinely does care about her, despite everything that she has done to him in the past. And even like you say here, even though it was a lot for him to take in when she first confessed, he later realized that he did love her, but thought she no longer felt the same way. It's all more why he regretted never contacting her before, especially before this incident happened. And he's right about her needing to see Dr. Bliss again, even though her father wouldn't like it since he'd find it embarrassing. That's just his problem, and I'm glad Arnold can realize that Helga may get her bullying from him, but she's a far better person that he will ever be!

Such a sweet ending! He really does love her, and he's really the only person who can understand her completely. She might need him a little more than he might need her, but they are meant for each other and will be together forever.

Really awesome story! :D
freaktrains chapter 1 . 9/23/2012
Wow, that was great. It would be cool if you continued, unless one-shot means one chapter. You write really good!
Umbra93 chapter 1 . 9/11/2012
So sweet... Having an alcoholic mother can be so devastating. Mine is.. But I don't live with her anymore. Yet I still can connect with Helga because of it.
Chattyaddy09 chapter 1 . 9/9/2012
Hey I reallllyyyyyy love this story! Please cont. instead of a one shot!
JupiterSun11 chapter 1 . 9/8/2012
I must admit, I flooded the room with my tears. I bawled like a baby. It was beautifully written. The whole plot line flowed well especially when Arnold found the poem. That was a good idea and the poem like the story was beautifully written. It was AMAZING! Such a beautiful tragedy but with a happy ending. (Sorry for the use of 'beautiful' so much but that one word just fits. That one word describes how sad, romantic and caring)
I got lost in your story, just disappeared into the words. You have a talent for writing, not all authors can write stories where there words just jump into the reader's imaginations. Your words leapt off the page, I felt I was actually there and felt the emotions each character felt. A beautiful piece of art you have created.
ckp95 chapter 1 . 9/8/2012
It's really sweet.. I'd like to read a sequel if you want to make any 3
fadexawayxx chapter 1 . 9/8/2012
Amazing story 3
hydeandjackieforever20 chapter 1 . 9/7/2012
I loved this. When she needed him the most, he was there! Please continue to write more amazing stories :)
Nep2uune chapter 1 . 9/7/2012
It was fate that made him see that poem. I can't stand how Bob treat Helga. I would get Miriam some help even without Bob before she kills herself. Miriam need to divorce Bob take half his money and her and Helga can live comfortable. Olga has always be shelfish.
Hanna Cabrodi chapter 1 . 9/7/2012
You were NOT KIDDING when you said that this was gonna be intense.
Beautifully written and PAINFULLY intense. REALLY enjoyed reading this!