Reviews for The Gift
Ophelia85 chapter 1 . 9/16/2015
I really loved this story. I wish you lots of luck with publishing.
Nicci77 chapter 2 . 8/28/2014
Running to TWCS now...
my 2 guys chapter 2 . 8/28/2014
that was good but needs more
fanfictionalcolic chapter 1 . 6/13/2014
Hi where could we find this story? Did you publish it? The OS is beyond incredible.
Kate1386 chapter 28 . 2/25/2014
I read this in the original contest and loved it... Can't believe it took me so long to find out it had been expanded! Geesh I'm so glad I stumbled upon it...great read!
LizziePaige chapter 28 . 10/5/2013
This was like watching a train wreck right from the beginning - you knew it was going to happen, you knew there was going to be carnage but you just can't look away! I sensed right from the moment that Edward saw Bella with that damn bow that he was not going to be ok with this sort of lifestyle choice. Tanya was a selfish bitch who was only looking for her own pleasure and wrapped it up (literally) to make it seem that she was doing this to make Edward happy. Again, great writing, hot scenes and lots to think about. Thanks :)
imaginevampires chapter 28 . 9/11/2013
Lot's of deep issues, well handled. Good realism. I enjoyed reading it. Thanks.
Illy35 chapter 28 . 8/19/2013
nice story, Thanks !
HeavenlyAngel34 chapter 25 . 7/4/2013
Loved it! Amazing beginning! Poor Edward!
irelandk chapter 28 . 6/27/2013
kmfroggi chapter 28 . 6/21/2013
i enjoyed this story, it was out their in the beginning, but i guess things like this really happen! its why i dont understand how you can be a swinger, i mean to each their own, but i dont get it! but i enjoyed this non the less, thanks for sharing!
zeeber chapter 28 . 6/19/2013
What an interesting story. Grabbed me right from the beginning and I couldn't stop a train wreck, I had to keep going...I think you proved a very valid lesson about listening to your spouse and "hear" what they are saying. Don't ever think you know what they need...ask them, and then listen. Tanya was way off base with Edward but she didn't care...she got what she wanted. Maybe she knew this would end their marriage, but it was cruel to do. Bella and Edward were at fault too...but you did have everything work out in the end, which was a surprise!

Thank you for sharing your words...Brenda
PuzzlePerfect9 chapter 28 . 6/3/2013
i cant believe i didn't review this when i read it, but its hard when reading on my phone in little breaks here an there... i LOVED this ending... it was the perfect way to end bella and edward's story. i loved that they got to start over. i remember at the very beginning writing a review about wondering how far you were going to take it and you responded with something like how far is too far? or like get ready... well i honestly thought you'd take it to the more sexy way, like them becoming a poly-group, but this was a great direction too. glad i read it.
FinnMac chapter 22 . 4/30/2013
Jason Jenks is both the naughty professor AND Edward's father's lawyer? Now THAT'S confusing! LOL. It would be an easy correction to make. Change the professor's name to Demetri or Felix or something...
twiread3 chapter 28 . 4/24/2013
*sniffles* That was really sad and really great at the same time. Loved the story even though it made me cry. Keep writing! Your stories are awesome!
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