Reviews for Oh Brother
JojoJinx chapter 5 . 3/29
Edward was desperate with bella because he loved her just like bella is with jasper. If edward is spoilt so is she. Neither want to accept no by the people they love. Maybe they have more in common then they realise. At least we know that if bella and edward do fall in love they'd fight for each other. Stubborn for the one they love... In that there are worse attributes and edward didn't force himself on her. I really think bella needs to take notes responsibility and blame edward less.
JojoJinx chapter 2 . 3/28
Ok so far i can't help but feel that bella is not really taking responsibility for what she's done. She made the vows and commitment, she's spent way more time with jasper, more memories and she's 11 years older. She keeps looking to blame edward sometimes and i think calling him spilt is unfair when she knows so little about him. He's also just lost both his parents and its incredibly vulnerable... Not to mention he's in love with bella... Bella isn't. He has deep emotion as well as lust behind his actions as well as probably craving comfort and feelings of comfort and affection after the death of his loved ones. I dont like how bella patronises him either and decides he's not in love with her because that's easier for her to deal with. Wasn't she in love with jasper at 18? People saying you're incapable of love at 18 is ridiculous. I can't really think of any excuse for bella at all.
YCullen0113 chapter 1 . 5/13/2019
Loved it! Was nervous at first because of the cheating and age issues, but I’m glad I read all of it because I completely fell in love with your Edward.
Sam chapter 26 . 3/31/2019
Thanks for the story! I’m happy that they got their HEA.
Guest chapter 14 . 3/23/2019
Hola! Sigo diciéndote que tus historias me encantan. Una pregunta cómo española y ciudadana europea. Me choca el tema de la escala de madurez adulta en las leyes en EEUU. Puedes sacarte la licencia de conducir a los 16 años pero no eres adulto hasta los 18 para independizarte y votar en unas elecciones democráticas, teniendo en tus manos el destino de un país. Pero hasta los 21 no puedes beber una simple cerveza y no puedes reservar un hotel? No tiene sentido. Si eres mayor de edad para una cosa lo eres para lo demás no? Saludos y sigue con historias tan maravillosas.
purplefreakanonymous chapter 11 . 3/17/2019
So glad there was no baby btw. Im not anti baby but i want to see their relationship progress first instead of them just getting together for the baby’s sake
Kesme chapter 7 . 11/5/2018
Wonder what would of happened if Jasper changed his mind and came in with roses to see her sucking Edward's cock xP
dreamthief19 chapter 31 . 8/18/2018
Such a cute story! I'll admit the beginning few chapters, while incredibly hot, made me super uncomfortable. It was so hard to like Bella after discovering she was someone who could cheat seemingly so easily and the same for me to like an Edward that was seemingly so immature and manipulative. However, with that being said, I'm so glad I continued the story. Once Edward and Bella both grew up the story became wonderful. I absolutely loved all of the outtakes and futuretakes. Getting a glimpse of their future lives and knowing that what they did, although gross, was ultimately for the best was very satisfying. I'm so happy for them and I eventually grew to greatly enjoy their characters and sweet sweet Edward especially. Wonderful journey, thank you so much for sharing. I've been enjoying reading your stories the past few days! You're a wonderful author.
Renee Aubin chapter 31 . 2/21/2018
Just finished reading this story, and had to let you know how much I enjoyed it. Your Edward was very well drawn, sweet and shy and appropriately self-centered and horny as suited his age and maturity.

My favorite thing was that it wasn't just Bella's physical attractiveness that drew him to her, but her kindness and thoughtfulness toward him when he was a younger boy, and especially when he lost his parents. On the other hand, I liked that she eventually recognized how badly she had treated him by using him for how he made her feel, while keeping him at arm's length. You did a nice job with the slow transition of both of them to two people capable of being real partners. Oh yes, and - not gonna lie - the hotness was delicious too.

Thank you for this charming story, and for leaving it where we can read it.
cbzoo chapter 7 . 1/2/2018
jermak99 chapter 31 . 10/5/2017
I loved this fic! Thanks so much for sharing :)
EeWee chapter 26 . 9/23/2017
Another wonderful story. I love how you write these characters. So happy for them too. Edward is just so sweet.
Guest chapter 31 . 3/27/2017
Mtgora chapter 31 . 12/15/2016
I wasn't sure at first if I'd be able to get over the age difference, but totally did...thanks to your great writing and letting us work through the 'issue' with Bella. I'm still not sure why Bella would cheat on Jasper if she loved him so much, but I'm happy with how you worked through the situation in the end. It was all around perfect for the contest though...just about everything was forbidden! I enjoyed the story very much. Thanks for writing!
Prettysqueaky chapter 31 . 10/22/2016
Not sure what I expected but this was such a cute story. And under no circumstances should Bella be with Jasper. I can't even read fanfics that have those two together.
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