Reviews for Maze Of Nightmares
Nup chapter 12 . 5/6/2019
Hey. I hope you are okay. I love your writing. Also, I hope you make more fanfiction in the future.

Guest chapter 26 . 1/12/2019
I would love to read a sequel!
I love reading fanfictions like this. This past year has been really hard for me and these stories are sometimes the only things that can make me smile.

I’ll be sure to read your other stories I’m sure they’re great
Guest chapter 1 . 12/14/2018
I loved this story so much as well as the one before it. Reading fan fictions like this is one of the only things that keeps me happy and calm through everything bad going on in my life right now. I’ll be looking out for the next story you write can’t wait to read it!
grungekitty chapter 26 . 1/1/2018
Not gonna lie, a little disappointed normal KF couldn't come back. Also the YJ team being just "there when they're needed" characters is a touch annoying for how often they were in the story and weren't given any moments of character, just doing story progressing actions.
Other than that, you were preview to my screamings on PM so you know I enjoyed it.
Heart of the Demons chapter 26 . 6/12/2016
I'm happy that Barry's finally trusting Wally to do what he wants. They've still got a long way to go before they can trust each other again, but they're at least taking things slow. You've succeeded in telling an awesome story.
Thebestoftherest chapter 26 . 6/12/2016
Good story love how it ended. knew blood would get involve no one luck is that bad
KaliAnn chapter 26 . 6/12/2016
This was the perfect ending! I love it that they all came clean and Barry is finally trusting Wally again! Oh I just love how happy the teammates are now that they're together again. Its been a fun story and I loved it from beginning to end.
ImaKaraTabiHe chapter 25 . 3/20/2016
So glad Bart is the voice of reason between the two. Took him a while, but glad he made it.

Ms.McClue chapter 25 . 2/14/2016
Ya moving forward is the best, though the blitz part was kind of freaky. It was a good thing he was majorly weakened before wally went to decide or else he would have been doomed. Great chapter. It was the most peaceful and stress free chapter in your whole I am kind of surprised Barry was so harsh on the underdogs. You would think him as a charitable person would try to reach out or at least not hating them.
Thebestoftherest chapter 25 . 2/14/2016
Good story keep up the good work.
Heart of the Demons chapter 25 . 2/14/2016
I'm so happy for Wally. He managed to overcome his self-doubt in the nick of time. It's good that Bart finally understands what Wally wants, but Barry needs plenty of convincing. We'll see if he can warm up to the Underdogs in the next chapter.
Guest chapter 25 . 2/14/2016
KaliAnn chapter 25 . 2/14/2016
Oh I loved it, I knew you could write a super long chapter and keep it together. I'm glad that Wally is back to his normal. He may have lost his past, but it was just clutter, the important thing he needed to remember is that people loved, and now he can have a great future!
Ms.McClue chapter 24 . 2/6/2016
Hey Sorry I didn't respond 2 chapters ago. I was a bit preoccupied with school. I'm really enjoying your story. Wally's decision to believe in his friends was amazing. I'm still not sure about Harley though. Or the actual number of plots against Wally. Is there 2? Hartley and Zoom? Whatever it is, thank goodness for the mystery voice for getting him out of there. It was really shocking to find out wally was going to get kidnapped at lunch, I could really feel Barry's fear. I can't wait for the next chapter.

I saw the picture, the kid flash outfit looks like it has some texture which is cool but the rest of the picture is a bit iffy. I don't know what the rainbow title is suppose to mean, especially in that box. I can't tell who that person is in the background, not even minor details besides he is wearing red and black. The background itself I guess its vague enough for the story. The trailblazer outfit just looks like a biker outfit. In the story it was said to be orange but it looks red. Also I think it needs some more highlights in orange and black. For the helmet it should just have two lightning boltz or something to characterize his speed.

The main vibe I get from this story is that wally is trying to find himself and the true reality(which by the way is very well done). So the picture should represent Wally's confusion and struggle in answering those questions, represented by blitz, Kid flash, and trailblazer.
Oh, I wrote a lot. Again great story.
Guest chapter 24 . 1/22/2016
Nice. I loved it.
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